I’ve been trying to get my post count in so that when Little Musician comes out I’ll have enought entries…BUT…it’s starting to feel like I’m having conversations with myself! Please visit the other site. All the “general parenting” threads that have been started here in BrillKids can be accessed there. If you make a comment from that site you get a “post entry” (my own term). To qualify for the BrillKids coupons that are coming out soon you have to have a certain amount of entries here AND at the new site. So, if you’ve only been posting here, and not there, as I understand it, you WILL NOT QUALIFY for the coupons.

If I’m wrong about this, moderators, please correct me…but if I’m right, you guys really should head over there sometime or you may regret it when the coupons arrive. I think it’s like 50 posts needed there…

I find the other site alittle frustrating as it doesn’t send me email notifcations when people post on something I posted on

Me too…but I thought I missed some step somewhere and (even thought it bugged me) was just too lazy to ask about it. Good question posed, Waterdreamer.

I asked a while back and it just wasn’t set up for that yet :frowning:

I didn’t know that, thanks!

Can you explain what is the difference between both pages?
Parents web seems more lake for babies exclusively and not for a 3 yr old?
I saw the same threads as you say. What is the reason for having another web?
Are ther different points and productos to redeem?

thank you


I don’t have any answers for you but maybe when the moderator reads this s/he will comment.


Thanks for the reminder. I’vw been forgetting to check it out!

Brillkids and Brillbaby is devoted to early learning. Parentweb is more for parenting in general.

Thanks for your comments, all!

We’ve been so busy on the BrillKids side that we haven’t had as much time to spend on ParentWeb. Will get the issues fixed asap!

As kizudo says we are not having the same participation on this forum as in Brillkids and maybe it is because people are not receiving the summay of threads posts or the ones you participate or suscribe. Fixing it will help a lot.
I just recently realizad about the points redemption maybe for 100% of a product (have to much work). You need a lot of posts in this forum too and not only Brillkids. I hope I can make it on time.

Last month was my aniversary on this forums and i am very please of all the knowledge gain in early education and now in child development in general. Times are really different from the 80ths when i raised my kids and now kids have a lot more oportunities an challenges.
Continue with the excellent work and i hope we have more participation on the days to come.