remarkable memory

Babies like adults, seem to remember things by association. In a study conducted at johns Hopkins university in the US., 14 month olds could better remember how many toys placed in a box if the toys consisted of groups, like 2 stuffed cats and two toy cars, than if the toys were unrelated. If the baby discovered 1 cat she knew that she had to look for the othe. This means that babies understand and remember the concept of more.

You can play a memory boosting game by placing a rattle under a blanket and discreetly swap it with a ball. If your baby keeps looking for the rattle that means she remembers the rattle.

please share some of your games to improve memory

Interesting! Thanks for that! :slight_smile:


Thanks for giving such a good idea.

ya thats really great!!! do you know any other games

hehe really nice idea, i will try the rattle ball swap game today :wink:

Another good game for memory is (this is for older kids who can talk and sit down long enough) is to get 15 objects from around the house place them on a mat, allow the children to look at them for 30seconds then cover them with a blanket and see how many of the objects the children can recall in one minute. This is also a great game for adults to.

This is a great party game
15 objects
pen and paper to write down what the 15 objects are
pencils and paper for children to write down what they have remembered
2 blankets one to put the objects on the other to cover.
A prize for the child or adult who remembers the most ( if you are doing this game for a party)

I’ve played that at a baby shower!

What a fun game! I will try this for my toddler tommorrow.

that’s fun :smiley: . I will play it to my son’s b’day party

Siento no poder escribir en ingles todo el tiempo, realmente es una frustracion para mi, espero aprender pronto, ja!.
Bueno un juego que hacemos con los niños para la memoria es el siguiente:
Ponemos tres objetos en la mesa, el niño tiene que mirarlos por 4 segundos y luego retiras uno. El niños tiene que adivinar cual falta.Luego que adivina, agregas otro objeto y asi sucesivamente. Es muy divertido tanto para el niños como para el adulto. Podes llegar a tener como 20 objetos o mas.
Generalmente me ganan los ninos, ja! lol

gosh…i didnt even play these games when i was young. Thanks for the information. Will definately play such games with my child