refusing to learn at school.

Hello my fellow forumers.

Today my dd’s teacher pulled me aside to talk to me about her behaviour and her refusal to learn.

This week her behaviour has escalated at school. She is being extremely bossy to the other children and refusing to clean up.Wont concentrate on what she is doing and very concerned about what the other kids are doing. When her teacher tries to do a lesson with her she gets up and walks away. Even if the teacher tries to encourage her back to her lesson she is met with a firm no from Miss S. Lisa her teacher is trying to come up with some very inventive ways to encourage her to write or do maths.

On a positive note her reading has just come ahead in leaps and bounds and she is reading really fast her teacher also said she is even though bossy is being very caring and is usually the first to be their if another child is crying with a hug or helping with them.

It is the nearing the end of term and this is her first term in almost full time school 4 1/2 days a week and I am just wondering if she is just really tired and acting out. She has complained that she is tired . I spoke to her teacher and I have decided that I will not send her to school for Thurs or Fri just so she can have a rest and see if this helps in improving her behaviour. I have spoken to her about her behaviour and she seems to be listening but we will see how she goes.

Her learning at home has gone it fits and starts this term. I backed off because she has gone to almost full time school and I thought I would focus on only one thing, which is reading this term and drop all the other subjects I was doing with her, because when she did get home from school she was just very tired. She has shown a huge interest in the solar system and is pouring over what ever she can get her hands on which is great to see.

I would love any advice that could help me and her teacher help S be more settled and willing to learn.

I’m not sure I can help but I can commiserate! With H. at homeschool it helps to make a strict schedule, stick to it, and use lots of timers and stars as rewards. I think the solution depends on the child, though. H. just responds relatively positively to structure.

If she’s acting this way in school, do you think it might be due to mommy withdrawal? Many children don’t want to leave their mothers especially if they got so much attention at home.

Oh thanks DadDude. I have no idea what to do other than I crack down on her,

She has never been one to be really worried about Mummy withdrawl. She has always loved to be with kids her own age and older. I just think she has been allowed to get away with saying no and so she keeps doing it. The path of least resistance. I.m giving her break for the rest of the week from school and we will see how her behaviour improves.