Reduce in milk intake

hello everyone,

is anyone encountering reduction in milk intake.

My 7mths old son has started to play alot and reduced his milk consumption. everytime i give him his milk bottle he plays with the teat instead of drinking.

he is currently teeting as well. i dont know if this is the cause of it. but i am having hard time to convince him to drink.

please share

Sometimes when babies are teething they will drink less. Their mouths hurt plus they may feel kinda bad. Most people eat less when they are sick, so you can imagine how a baby might feel. I would just keep an eye on it, and if his appetite doesn’t improve, definitely talk to his doctor.

hi there,

how long do you think his gums will hurt and how long should i monitor before i panic?

its really kinda a difficult to see your baby go without drinking the usual for the day.

i really dont know if its the teething or he just trying to tell me ‘change the formula brand’

confused as usual

It varies from child to child and even tooth to tooth. My son’s two bottom teeth have been coming out for over a month, and they are still barely out. Luckily, they never seemed to bother him. If you are worried, you should go ahead and call the doctor. They will tell you if it’s something you should be concerned about.

Also, do you feed him any cereal or other solids? It could be that he is trying to tell you that he is ready for more solid foods. Maybe you should try feeding an extra serving of cereal or some baby food in place of one of the bottles.

yes, he has been on his solid food since he turned 6mths old. maybe i should try giving 1 more extra meal. but i also heard that the amount of milk intake is very important as growing children still needs all the nutrients in the milk.

is your baby drinking the same amount of milk ever since start teething?

It’s hard to say because he is breastfed. I don’t give him any milk in a cup so I don’t know exactly how much he gets. He has always had a good appetite though.

umm sounds like a easy baby to be with.

how old is your baby?

My son is almost 5 months old and has also started to play with his bottle and bite the teat (which has in turn resulted in a little less milk intake). He also hits the bottle with his hands a bit and tries to put his fingers in his mouth when he is drinking. I have wondered if he is teething, although I can’t see or feel anything coming through. He also drools a lot more now and likes to put anything he can find into his mouth to chew on. He does’t seem too upset at the moment and he is still drinking a decent amount so I am not really concerned yet. I am just going to go with the flow for the time being. It is just so hard to know what is going on when they can’t tell you.

my son is 2 weeks from being 1! :biggrin: And yes, he is a good baby.

NBailey, it sounds like your little one is starting to teethe. Sometimes it can be months before you see any signs of teeth though. Gabriel’s were very slow to come out, and they are still only about a quarter of the way out.

Hi, you might want to check the milk and hopefully it is not contaminated.

My friend’s boy didn’t want to drink his bottle of milk too. They drank the milk they gave him and said that there is a foul smell in his milk. The milk powder was not expired and is used according to the instructions given.

They changed their milk powder to a fresh can and his consumption level was back to normal.

My 2nd boy started to reduce his milk intake when he was like 9 months. There is a steady increase in his solid foods.
And boy, he eats alot…

So it might be an indication that he is ready for solids, and you might want to start on semi-solids or puree for your child.

Hi there,

My boy is rejecting his usual dosage of milk as well. But he shows no signs of fever or swollen gums.

I have taken him to the doctor’s but he said he’s fine and his weight is normal though.