Red necking?

Hi there!

I have just become familiar with this term and need to ask: Is any of you keeping their child behind for a year so that is better prepared later on?

Also have you all sent you kids with special needs into the school system at age three?

We may be moving to Germany for a year which would keep my daughter out of pre school at least for the first year. As you can imagine a lot of thinking and concern is going into this. Do you have any experience/ advice with this kind of situation?


I think you mean “red shirting”?

We are most likely going to hold our 4 year old with DS back next year. It is a very difficult decision, because academically, she is much more advanced than most typical kids her age, however, she doesn’t speak quite as well & is not quite as mature in some areas. My biggest concern is that she will be bored, however I think it is more important that she is has the extra year to catch up in the areas that she works harder at.

We also held one of her big sisters back. KJ, one of my typical dd’s just turned 9 in mid December. We held her back mostly because she was born so late in the year. If she had been born less than a week past her due date, she would not have been eligilbe to go anyways because we have a Dec 31 cut off here. This is a child who did not have the benefit of early learning, yet she still often has straight A report cards & glowing reports that she is a true leader amongst her class - exactly what I wanted when holding her back. Edited to add that it is not just the scholastic stuff. KJ is confident, yet so caring that she is the first to help another child who is struggling & is very attentive & very respectful & kind to all.

This is what I am hoping for with my dd with DS also. I want her to be more of a leader than a follower & I’m hoping the extra year of learning at home with mom & learning to talk more clearly will help her to achieve this.

I also feel that a benefit to holding back is that I have many extra hours per day to focus on 1 to 1 learning with her. I fully expect K to head to kindergarten fully able to participate independantly & already knowing the curriculum & well beyond. I want her to be able to prove to the teachers that she is just as smart (or smarter :yes: ) than the other kids in her class & that they need to teach her just her just like the other kids.

Oops! I really meant red Shirting… I guess that I am too late when I sit down to the computer and also english is my third language so… I am sorry.

We are considering moving to Germany for a year which will mean that I have to home school my daughter. Homeschooling has always being interesting to me and this may be the oportunity to give it a try. However, iam very aware of how much she thrives when around peers. She is such an observant and imitator and her speech has flourished since she is attending a 2 year old program. So I have been doubting myself.

I agree on the benefits of 1 on 1 and how much more she knows academically than most of her peers yet I would like the time to work on fine motor, crayons, scissors, little crafts and projects that right now she cannot be bothered with because she gets frustrated and, let’s face it she will not get that much help in preschool, I don’t think, expect…

So I think you have given me a good thumbs up.
Thank you so much!!
:clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: