Red Cheeks?

Does anyone else have a little one with bright red cheeks? One of my dd’s almost always does. This started when she was about 14 months old. I started solids late so I’m wondering if it could be food related. I would appreciate any info or advice you can offer.


My 1st son had food allergies - milk egg,soy corn and peanuts. Didn’t find out until I started introducing foods. His face would get a rash at times. There is a blood test to see if allergies are a program. I can’t remember the name - your Dr. should know. Allergy skin tests don’t start until age 2. You could eliminate the main foods that cause allergies - wheat, soy, milk, eggs. … and see if that helps. Some kids are sensitive to food additives and preservatives. There are food allergies and food sensitivities - so it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint.

Could also just be dry skin or reaction to laundry detergant or soap.

My kids get red cheeks when we travel to places with cold and dry climate. In that case, just apply a good skin lotion.

Another possibility…teething. I had one little boy whose checks would turn red when he was teething. No fever, no fussing…just the red cheeks.

Thanks everyone for your replies.

I think I might pursue an elimination diet. Teething & climate may contribute, but it has gone on for about 5 months now, so I think it is more than that. I’ll look into the blood test too.

thanks again :smiley: