recipes for play dough

Recipe for play dough

1 cup flour
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
Quarter cup of salt
1 cup water

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add flavouring (essence) and
food colouring. Use a whisk and mix until smooth.
If possible use a nonstick pot or pan and pour batter into this.
Put stove on high and stir or move liquid around almost like
One does scrambled eggs. Put a rubber glove on one hand
And turn playdough over a few time till it looks right. Remove
From pan and knead from hand to hand until ready.

Recipe for finger paints

1 cup sugar
1cup cake flour
1 cup cold water
3 cups boiling water
Powder paint or food colouring

Mix the sugar, flour and cold water. Add boiling water and cook
For two to three minutes until thick.
Colour with paint or colouring.

Recipe for “soap paint”

Collect all the leftover pieces of soap in a container.
When the container is about 3 quarter full, top it up
With boiling water and let it stand for a day until it is
Soft like jelly
Stir well and mix with powder paint.
(makes lovely finger paint that washes off easily)

You can also use bread dough, which also doesn’t hurt if ingested.

Thanks for sharing!

Wow! what a fun idea, bread dough - will definitely try this. I make dough everyday, but never thought to use it to make things - I suppose it could be coloured too? Recently my son got given plasticine. Wonderful stuff as it doesn’t dry out - but I have two problems the first is that he mixes the colours, even when “he’s trying” not to. So he is only allowed to use one colour at a time - which is a little restictive… and second of all is that it is literally everywhere!!! In my carpet on the dining chairs, I got quite desparate at one stage and just packed it all away! Anyway we’ll try the bread dough and maybe if it’s not got to dirty even cook it. Thanks for that.


Thanx dear for such a good reciepe


Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the recipes! I’d like to try the soap paint recipe. I guess I’ll have to go out and get some powder paint. Or … I wonder if I could used powdered Kool Aid like my play dough recipe…?

Here is the play dough recipe, just in case anyone is interested:

2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
2 packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid in the color/flavor you like
2 cups boiling water
3 tablespoons of oil

Mix the dry ingredients first, then stir in the boiling water (perhaps a little more or less depending on your climate) and oil. Stir, then knead (when cool) until it is the right consistancy.

It has nice bright colors and smells pretty good. This is what we use with our kids in the church nursery. It doesn’t taste great, so we haven’t had anyone sit and eat it. :wink:

thats a great idea!!!

if you dont want them to eat it then make it taste bad!!!
if they still eat it after that they probably lacking some minerals!!!

take care

Thank you for sharing.

This is a good one too:-

2 mugs flour
mug fine table salt
water (approx a cup)
1 tbsp oil
and food colouring.

Its important to store in an airtight container for it to not harden!