[b]Hello Brill site community,
Just found this site which looks very promising but I feel a little helpless and perhaps some one could help?
I’m a stay at home mom and my son just turned 2 I had been using a volunteer visiting um…idk what to call her shes not a teacher…she brings a piece of paper that have lessons about babies and toddlers from mile stones and development to potty training and tantrums then plays on the floor with the child while explaining the paper. But now that it has been awhile its turning into useful information but not really lessons and there isn’t any thing on really teaching your child and there was no help with questions I had…so now my son is getting older hasn’t learned much other then what he has discovered on his own and i’m at a loss of how to begin when hes already 2 years old
I really wanna starting teaching my son things like what I see on the site like reading and math, he seems to get more board every day and since I’m a stay at home mom I leave the t.v. on for sound and comfort but he watches it more and more and plays less and less so i’ve started keeping it off but I have never been very good with teaching and I myself have A.D.D. so I don’t like to do things for very long or have a hard time keeping interested in what he is playing with …and when trying to interact with him i have run into some problems i’m not sure how to fix. I have tryed reading to him but he only seems interested in playing with the pages and won’t let me read to him or show him the words in the book, I do my best to play with him but its very hard for me…i’m not sure how to play with him cuz and he likes to get rough and I can’t seem to calm him down and I don’t want to play with him when he gets that way. I’d really like to find things he can focus his attention on that he has fun with and make it enjoyable for me to do with him and I would really like to start teaching him things and get him on the educational track, But getting started so late I have no idea where to start, which steps to skip cuz of his age, or how to start engaging him in lessons he is not use too, or ways to play with him with out him getting over excited and hurting me.
I hope I have explained in a way that is easy to understand cuz I could sure use some advise, the older he gets the harder it will become. I really want to play and interact with my son while educating him as the same time[/b]