
Has anyone used the reading program for their child with Down syndrome? He is older and a struggling reader and was thinking of starting with the basics with him to see how he progresses?

Hi! I haven’t been on this forum for years! I just recommended Little Reader to another mom and decided to get on and see how active this forum is. To answer your question… YES!!! I started using Little Reader with my son with DS when he was 6 years old. He LOVED it! He was small, so I held him on my lap at my PC and we did the program together. I participated with him in saying the words, answering the questions, and doing the actions. I did this in an animated and dramatic way to keep his attention and make him laugh. It was a special bonding time for us that soon became the highlight of our day. In the beginning, I repeated each day’s lesson for at least 3 days to make sure he was getting it. It was the best speech therapy for him, and I was delighted to see his vocabulary increase and his articulation improve. I was also delighted to see how easily and quickly he learned the words being taught in the daily lessons. He is 11, now, and is an excellent reader! And he still enjoys doing Little Reader lessons on his iPad, from time to time. I use some of the more advanced lessons, now, more for the vocabulary and knowledge aspect. Like if we are studying insects and bugs in his science, we will do the lessons with words like centipede and cockroach and dragonfly, etc. to help him to recognize them and learn more about them. I am going to look into adding some more advanced content to his program, which is another reason for my visiting this site to see what is available.

It is such a late reply but here is a blog that might help from someone who used to be in this forum more. She is lovely and her son had great success too with LR. Hopefully, I am not to late in my offering. Happy EL journey!