Reading through Phonetics - cursive Vs Print

Hi all,
I have a 3 years old daughter who has started montessori last month.
They have begun with alphabet and number tracing, which is a normal method.
However, i am concerned about the fact that they have started teaching Eng alphabet in cursive rather than the usual print style.

It concerns me for two reasons, first that cursive is more difficult than print
Other, Montessori that I have seen and even the phonics based sites and books start with print letter

Does anyone know the correct way of teaching a 3 yr old?
would it make a lot of difference if my child started with cursive?

Eventually (after 3 yrs of montessori) I know the results of this school (where I have put my daughter) are good but I am concerned about the initial pressure being put on my child.

When I play games with my daughter she gets confused between alphabet as she has been taught the other way.

what should I do? Should I stop showing her books till she is mature to learn both print and cursive? or should i do my homeschooling alongside cursive style? I hope that will not pressure my child.

Seeking suggestions.

I don’t think you need to stop showing her books - why don’t you try to look for alphabet posters (the ones they put in classrooms) in both cursive (they use this around 3rd grade I think) and print style (used in preschools to 2nd grade) and put these one on top of each other so she’ll know that they’re the same - one is used in books while the other, for writing.

That would be ineteresting,
I will go and search for cursive letter poster, I already have a print letter one.
Thanks for the idea.

I have never heard of teaching a 3 year old cursive! It is not that important to learn cursive to rush and teach it to a child that young. I think you should keep showing your child his books even though it is confusing for now, I think he will sort out the two styles more quickly if you stay consistent. Are they trying to foster a preference for writing in cursive? Since these days things are rarely written out but rather typed?

Count your blessings!! :slight_smile:

I’m very pro starting cursive. When we were interviewed at our Montessori school, I asked what they teach first and it was cursive. The headmistress said because it’s the natural flow of how children draw at that stage with large circular movement. Rather teach them the more difficult one when they are inthat sensitive stage for learning to write, than later and having to retrain.

Have a read at (look way down page to “handwriting”.) He has a link to this interesting document on why teach cursive first -

All the best,

I started teaching print to my daughter, but have already started showing her words in cursive when I see them and just telling her what they are - she should pick it up just as easily as the print. While your daughter may show some confusion at first, she will sort it out for herself very quickly.

I think in some ways it is the same a teaching two languages - children do confuse them a bit at first, but they sort them out pretty quickly. It would be great if she knows them both. A child of three seldom will question - if you tell her b is b she’ll accept it.