Reading the same books over and over again??


As we live in a country, where they speak another languague, then we speak at home, I don’t have often the opportunity to buy books in our native languague. We still have about 40-50 books. And those we read over and over again… for DD it doesn’t seem to be a big problem, but I see, that she likes it very much to receive new books. When she gets new ones, she only wants to read those.

What do you think? How much books do your 2-year old children have?

My daughter is 21 going on to 22 months old and she has a lot of books some of them are mine from when I was little and a lot of them were given to her by me her father or other family members. I do not know the exact number but I can say it is a lot, my mother says she can open up her own library. Although my daughter has all these books she does tend to pick the new ones and read them or ask me to read them over and over and over again, she does have her favorites though whether they are new or old. She picks a new favorite every few months or so, for example a couple of months ago it used to be The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and now it is Princess Baby Night-Night by Karen Katz. Sometimes it gets frustrating to hear and read the same story over and over again. LOL But I think it is normal that they tend to be attracted to the new objects because they are new and children like to explore so new things means new explorations. However, in my experience my daughter loves all her books old or new even though she shows a little extra attention to the new ones when the first come home. It usually lasts a week or two. I hope this helps you out. In addition I don’t think it really matters how many books you have. I am not sure where you are located and I know you are having a little trouble getting books in your native language but there is always libraries and there are websites (I am not sure of the exact website but you can search them online) that you can swap books, and maybe you can find places to purchase books in you native language over the internet as well, or even make your own using the computer or just writing it out and pasting pictures on paper. There are a number of alternatives, again I hope this helps you.

Between around 26 and 30 months or so my son all of a sudden stopped wanting to read the same books over and over. After that, we’d buy a book, and he’d read it once, which didn’t seem like a very good deal, since we could read most of the books we got for him in 15 minutes.

We have zillions of books. If you can afford it, I recommend getting lots of books, especially with a 2-year-old. If you can’t afford it, or want even more variety, and can get to a decent library, go there very regularly to get many new books to read. If you can’t afford it and aren’t near a good library, remember that there are hours and hours worth of free books online.