Reading success?

hi all
I am a mother of a child with both physical and cognitive disabilities. He has been enjoying reading real books as well as powerpoint point books I made…and recently LR books. But I am really not sure if he is learning the words.
Just out of curiousity, is there anyone out there whose child has not responded to LR? e.g. you’ve showed them the words, then maybe the word cards, but they didn’t show that they really get it? Then what happened? Did you give up? Or did you do more? Love to hear from you…even if your child does not have special needs…I’d like to learn from you.

I feel we all moms go thru the phase of worriness and in that process we tend to test our child, and when our child does not respond, we feel they dont know and hence that makes us frustrated and we eventually we give up.
This is a very normal feeling. Dont worry.

I went thru the same phase with my child, but the only difference is that i never gave up eventhough when i got frustrated. I am believer of Glenn Doman’s program and according to him you should never test your child. They are born intellectual, you continue to do what you are doing and your child will respond.

You could check my post how I went about my teaching program;topicseen

How come I can’t see the attachment? Love to see the excel sheet.

Yaa thats true that we all go through the same phase were in we teach our child how to read but simultaneously we expect result from them.But according to Glenn Doman,Dr Shichida,Right Brain Kids we should only provide them knowledge but should not expect any result from them.Coz according to them if we try to test them they might loose interest in flash cards or words or whatever we teach them and there right brain might get closed.So its better not to test instead just provide them information and 1 day they will surprise you in some way.


That’s so true, I agree with Sapna.
There were so many words that i thaught my child since birth and always wondered if she knew anyone of them. I felt as if i was talking to the walls, i so badly wanted to test it and at times i did and my daughter would not resond most of the times and that would discourage me, but i just kept going.

But surprisingly when she was around 9.5 mths she just started to repeat words that I would say and out of no where she would say words that i used to teach her since birth and that really took me by surprise. She had a vocabulary of nearly 60-70 words, if i recall.

Hence from that day onwards I said to myself never ever test them, infact I do it more problem solving way suggested by Glenn Doman. Eg if i would ask her to get the green block and if she would get the yellow block, i would just tell her that “this is a yellow block” and then show the green block and the say “this is a green block”. Then I would clap my hands and kiss or hug and say good job Calanatha (my daughter’s name). Since I am being do this problem solving technique at very young age, now when she is 17 months, she knows when she does something good, she claps her hand as a sense of achievement.

Besides the above, I am not sure why you couldnt see the my sample excel sheet attachment. However I have re-attached it for you

Thank you so much JudyMendes for your encouragement,


Ur welcome Lilian, i am glad my post helped you.

My daughter took two weeks to show she knew a word (she was 12,5 months old) After that she didn’t show me she could read any of the words she was shown for another two months - and I just kept showing them to her. Then she showed me again that she could read a few words (said one of them, pointed to the correct card a couple of times) It took yet another two months to get another response and by then she supposedly had a large reading vocabulary.

She’s now 17 months old and I have no clue what she can read and what she can’t but I just keep introducing words. Every now and then she does show me and it always surprises me. Obviously people who start with a child younger than a year may find that they have to keep going for very long periods before they see a result. I would say that you should not even expect anything for the first six months that you are teaching your child and after that it would depend on the child. How long have you been teaching your little one for?

Hi tanikit
My daughter still doesnt show me the right words, and I am not worried about it.
I put my daughter on glen’s program since birth infact immediately after delivery. I used the book"How smart is your baby" and then all the other books after that

My daughter talks alot but she doesnt show any sign to me of what she can read, and the reason i am not worried because each child is unique and as long she talks, it doesnt matter to me, i know for myself she definetly knows how to read but some children are just moody and they dont want to show it. But i keep doing the problem solving technique suggested by Glen Doman, i keep doing irresepective if she is right or wrong. I know one day she will surprise me that she can read. I trust this program by Glen and i know for sure, as long as i do this program on her religiously, she will surprise me someday.

So i feel dont worry, as i too sail in the same boat as you.