Reading success at 10 months old?? Maybe...

Baby Z is really noticing words around him. Last weekend at the grocery store my hubby said to me
" I think his favorite color is blue." I asked him why. He pointed out that he kept staring at the HUGE blue rectangles over each department. I told him, its not the color he’s looking at, the HUGE white letters on the rectangle he’s looking at! Read him the words! My hubby told him, “That says, MEAT.” and Baby Z got super excited and started “Mmmmmahhh, Mmmmmahh.” Like he was trying to copy my hubby.

Well fast forward to Tuesday night, I felt like window shopping and Wes was with his dad, so Baby Z and I went out. We arrived at Walmart and I threw Baby Z in my Ergo back carrier and started shopping. I went to pick up some greek yogurt for him when suddenly he starts going crazy. “Dahhh Dahhh eeee”. Then I looked up to see what he noticed. Sure enough up over the coolers what a larger sign…


My heart jumped with joy! Maybe it was a coincidence. But hey, maybe not. For now we will continue all our usual reading programs.

It’s definitely possible. We noticed that our little one could identify words at 10months old.

Not just English, but also Chinese! Very exciting!

Continue your good job!

Yes keep going and keep pointing out to you child all the word you can.

Have you stuck word all through your house yet, if you havent you might want to think about it because i bet your child would just soak all that up too. I just used a black marker on white masking tape, its cheap easy to use and easy to get off.

good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.

Sounds like too many similar situations to be a coincidence. Seems to me Baby Z is reading :slight_smile:
So proud of you and Baby Z!
Please keep us updated.

I think Baby Z is reading!!! Wow just goes to show there are no limits to a baby’s capabilities.

Yes!! Way to go little z man! I am so impressed! :slight_smile: That is AWESOME!

Sounds like you are doing a great job. Keep us posted.

Wow, that’s great :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! Its amazing what a little bit of LR, WTL and MonkiSee can do!

Hmmm… Maybe I should do this. Thank you for the suggestion kiwimum


Oh yes but do they really read?

They do!

Let me tell you a story.

She was 17 months old.
Words all over the house on bits of masking tape.
"little table "
“big table”
" inside "stuck to the door
and “outside” stuck -well outside of course.!

The words were everywhere you cared to glance.
Except the ceiling.

We had just read an old library book that warned against doing this.

Unrepentant, we were laughing about it and having fun at a family get together.

Let’s write "roof " on the masking tape .
The very tall uncle offered to lift her up to the lounge ceiling…
Much cheering and hilarity.

The room fell respectfully silent though as we watched those determined little fingers go to work .
She placed the tape successfully with the sticky side against the ceiling.
No one really thought she would achieve it.

In the reflective quiet that followed some bright spark lying on the couch commented that the word viewed from the couch was upside down.

The baby was keen, so uncle held her above his head as she ripped the tape off and deftly turned it around pressing it back into place.

We were too shocked to think of a camera.


I loved reading your story.

Your heart jumped with joy. :slight_smile:

Sounds like a great excuse to go shopping more often! lol
Great work mummy, daddy and baby Z!

that is great news :slight_smile:
I’m still on the look out for signs of success but we have only really just started. But I am excited by what is to come by hearing these success stories!