Reading new words at 14 mo???

I wanted to share with you what happened this morning with my 14 mo little girl. I have been teaching her and her twin brother for two months. We use Little Reader for English and my own Doman cards and powerpoints for Spanish. They can read “mamá”, “papá”, “caca” and other words that I’ve shown them, and they usually choose the correct one between two options if I ask them to. But this morning my father told me, “have you taught L. how to read this?” (it was a toothpaste box). Of course not, nobody has! Well, she said “iaca” (it said (binaca)). I asked her to read it for me and she said again “iaca”. Of course it could be a coincidence, but what a coincidence!!!
I don’t know if she’s reading by herself or not… anyway, this is really exciting!! :yes:

Starting to intuit phonics at such a young age is amazing! you must be doing a wonderful job!

Keep up the good work!

That is so exciting, Im so excited for you and yes to be doing that at 14months is really really good I think.
At 16 or 17 months my daughter read “nutmeg” out loud after the packet fell to the floor, I asked her to say it again and she said it twice. I was amazed as it was a word I had never shown her before, she has done it since to a few other words since. Its exciting to know it all going in and clicking!!
Keep up the good work, babies can do anything!!

COngratulations! I had a similar experience with my 13-month old who has been sight-reading since his 10th month… He loves my mole on my shoulder and can say it well. I wrote the word “mole” and let him read. It’s his first time to see the word but he said it clearly “mole”. Babies are really so amazing!

So Exciting!! :yes:

They really are capable of so much, and I STILL find myself underestimating mine after nearly three years!

I just wanted to share a game that we played with Alex from about 12 months, as I have a feeling that if yours is trying to say the new words, may enjoy! Even though I knew she was reading new words, it is difficult to gauge just how well with pronunciation, etc…
We would sit in a new place, say a restaurant whilst waiting for food, and play a written version of ‘I Spy’, but with words I knew she had never seen written. We started out with the whole ‘I spy with my little eye’ bit, but instead of saying a word, I wrote it on her portable magnetic board. Then she would look around carefully, and more often than not, point to it! I was floored, and it was really eye-opening. I think it was also wonderful for new vocabulary, and observation skills. (Not to mention it kept her occupied during waits :biggrin: )

How amazing to see such progress so quickly. I love that “I Spy” game that you play with your daughter. I will have to store that in my memory for when J gets a little older.

NPLight that’s amazing…you must be over the moon. I’d just like to share a similar experience that caused a biggggggggggggggg smile on my face. My daughter is 10 months (almost 10 and a half) and we’ve been doing LR consistently since she was 3 months old…we were using public transport and so it happened that there was another mommy with her toddler girl next to us…from one thing to another we started talking about kids…and at some point she asked me what’s my daughter’s name. Before giving her the answer, I asked my daughter directly…and guess what?:)))…she said her name :)…indeed she has a very short name (3 letters long)…but it never happened to me again. I couldn’t believe it…and the lady couldn’t believe it :)))…she asked me to ask her again:).

Over the next few days I would ask her (I tried not to overdo it) ‘what’s your name?’ and she always answered…so she did prove me wrong when I thought it was just a coincidence. Also…whenever I ask her to clap, raise her hands, or show me her toes, belly, nose and head …she always always points correctly and says ‘dis’ (I think this is her equivalent to ‘this’)…she is so funny:)

I find her progress just amazing…and can’t stop smiling whenever I see how interested is in EVERYTHING. I think she brings me a book (meaning she wants me to read to her) at least a couple of times a day…and she never seems to get bored:).

wow that is impressive that your 10 and a half month old said her own name and not only just once, good work

Wow, ten months and a half! Really impressive! I can imagine the face of the woman… :blink:
Thank you Kerileanne for the idea about the I spy game… I will try writing on our Nintendo DS… as soon as they get a little less wild…

That’s great! they really are amazing!! My son is 12 months old and just start to sight read! He can read some words like wave, kick, clap , hi, arm and ear! He loves reading books! He would just quietly sit on my lap and listen while I read the book,we read lots of books everyday. And they amazed you with new things everyday. Knowing he is learning make me really happy! :slight_smile: