Reading Games

I know this has been mentioned on many posts before, but wanted a topic specifically related to reading games you play with your children. My daughter has finally reached the age where reading games have become a lot of fun and I am always keen to hear new ones. Here are some that I have tried:

Jumping on the correct flashcard - I call a word from about three or four lying on the floor and she jumps on the correct one
Throwing the correct flashcard - same as above except she picks it up and tries to throw it to me
Match phonics with soft toys - an alphabet game (you need a lot of different soft toys) - we set up soft toys with different names corresponding to a different letter of the alphabet (eg teddy, cat, bunny/rabbit, goat, dog) and then I get the alphabet letters for each animal and give them to her to give to the correct animal “t” is for - yes thats right, teddy, or if she doesn’t know I tell her and she gives it to the right animal
Pulling words off the wall - I make a sentence and stick it on the wall then ask her to fetch me a particular word in the sentence
Teach your soft toys - I use this one to try to get her to say the words as she can talk now, but is more keen to read out loud to the soft toys than to just tell me.

If she says no or doesn’t seem keen we stop the games immediately. Anything else you have tried?

These two games are always a big hit with my children.

1.) “Word Runner”
Hold up two cards, one on each side of you.
Have your child run and touch the word you call out.

2.) “You’ve Got Mail”
There’s two ways to play this one.
a.) You can put the actual cards in the mail box (sometimes only smaller words will fit)(or write them on printer paper, then fold them up and stick them in an envelope)
b.) Or you can say, “you’ve got mail”. Put the cards in a large drawer and tell her she needs to check her mail, while pointing to the drawer.

I keep the words together in sets. It really helps them with the recall. And don’t worry if she chooses the wrong card. Games are FUN. IAHP once told me, don’t forget games can also be part of your teaching sessions, you don’t have to stick with just the flashing. But don’t ever have them stare at the cards, it’s always very quick.

Let me know how it goes!


P.S. I thought I’d add something…when it comes to reading books to the kids, I never use a finger unless they specifically ask for it and I read fast to them. At the same speed I would read a book to myself. I play all games this fast or sometimes even faster…it really gets their attention!!!

good ones
are there online games available for hunting words?
My daughter has just begun phonics and loves
she now recognizes 26 basic alphabet sounds. Can anybody refer me to a good website that has games and puzzles for catching/ recognising alphabets and more advanced phonic reading as well?

For those who like their children to play online phonics games:
BBC has a website for more advanced phonics games.

This is my first time using the forum. I’m a teacher & I love my
vocation very much. I’ll try to share more next time.


I love the mailbox game idea, OMG!

I think we are going to play that right now!

Tanikit, those seem to be some very good ideas, I will try them out for sure. The other game which I talked about in another thread is Diaper box game. very similar to your idea of having them jump on the card. In this you have 2 diaper boxs with the words stuck on them and roll them /place them in open space and ask your child to either touch or bounce a ball or roll a ball towards a particular word. To make it fun, they could tumble the boxes themselves. I havent tried it out yet so I do not know how well it will work but just an idea. Karma to you for this topic. As this is a very fun way of problem solving and reinforcing learnt words.