Reading Full Sentences at 19-months

I have accidentally deleted this thread last week. Thank you for all the heart-warming and encouraging words!

Here’s our little Cammiebelle, reading full sentences on Little Reader. Yay! Before last week, she would not sit still to read more than three words consecutively. We’re so happy because not so long ago, though she can already read, she does not like books at all! She would just flip the pages and treat them as toys. Now we’re happily flipping pages and reading too!

Sorry for the unclear footage in the first few frames, I was holding the video-camera at a wrong angle. (Actually, I was holding the camera, holding my child, and pointing to the words in the computer too. Lots of multi-tasking if you want to capture the moment lol )

Nadia, well done! What a FANTASTIC job you have done with your darling daughter. How PROUD you must be of her.

Karma to you!

YIPEEE!!! :biggrin:

So wonderful to watch :slight_smile: Congrats to you …

Susan Khan

Thank you Sarah108 and Susan!

@Sarah: I have read some of your posts and it gave me renewed zest for our Tweedlewink program :slight_smile: I i have one question though: In TW Vol.6, the speed-reading sessions are read-out then on TW Vol.7, it shows full sentences rapidly without reading out the words. Don’t you think it’s too much of a big jump? I was surprised. Please do share the results that you had with your child from TW. I’m so interested with speed-reading, photographic memory, and memory-linking. I’m so envious you got to meet Pamela in person!

WOW thats amazing! I really hope my son is absorbing that much from LR and such.
Congrats and good work!

You’re daughter has always been amazing! Congratulations! One question, which program were you using in that video?

Thank you Waterdreamer and Joha! We’re using Little Reader, reading one of the “stories” in the Categories section. :slight_smile:

Cammie is amazing as always…
Karma to u…

Thanks Vani! Regards to your family :slight_smile:

This is just awesome :)!!!

Wonderful job!!What a fun activity… :slight_smile:

Make sure you keep that video and a lot of backups just incase on different media or computers.
I have to congratulate you. At that age we barely wait for our kids to say some words and she is reading ¡¡¡¡.
Surely it is a proof that with this programs they start to READ befor starting to TALK. It is all in their brains (as seen babies clapping or kicking) and they can’t wait to start saying the word they already read.
Keep your excellent job and keep us posted in some months.

Congratulations nadia0801. It’s good that you started teaching Cammie to read when she was just 3 months old and now you are reaping the fruits of your labour. You’ll be amazed at what other things she can do next. I’m sure you are such a proud mother!

Thank you waterdreamer, PY, Joha, Martusia, 2010BEBES and Zaja! Yes, we are very happy with the results but what’s really significant is the the journey that we had. Mostly it has been FUN for all of us! What’s amazing is that it is the first time that I showed Cammie that “story” on Little Reader. Many of the words are new to her. She isn’t sight-reading but reading phonetically. =)

I agree, we are not here to make genious but to give them the opportunity of developing their potential. For me too it is all about BOTH of US having fun and creating a VERY SPECIAL BOND.

Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us. You did a wonderful job. Congratulations Nadia!
My little one is still flipping the pages and no more than 3 words at a time. You give me hope that our day will come and my baby will sit still while reading the whole sentence :yes: !!!

I’m sure your little one will get there in no time! =) Keep us updated, I’m excited for you!

Congrats Nadia. Your doll is amazing… Very well done. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for the information. This is a wonderful post!!

Online early education degree | accounting undergraduate diploma

Thanks for sharing, Nadia! Cammie is lovely as always! :slight_smile: