Reading Bear developments

Hi Larry,

Reading Bear is such a great tool for teaching blending phonic sounds! I love it so much. I have showed the program to my son who’s now 2 years and 10 months old. He loves it too!. He specially loves the part where the lady asks him to read it himself.

I did not try the A,E,I,O,U lessons because we already did those lessons with our homemade Flesch phonics lessons. I started off with the Suffixes and haven’t found any bugs so far. The program works perfectly fine on my laptop (Windows 7, 64 bits).

I can’t thank you enough for creating such a wonderful tool. It’s so helpful for me who’s not an English native speaker. Before I tried Reading Bear, I did not know how to create Suffix lessons for my son because some of the phonic sounds are very difficult for me sound them out correctly. Reading Bear saves me a lot of time, and I have a proper tool with perfect pronunciation for my son! I can’t be happier than this!

Big thanks, and keep up the excellent work!


Thanks, Elle, this makes my day!

Six more presentations should be coming online within two weeks.

Elle, do you ever quiz your daughter? If so, try the Reading Bear quizzes over the short vowels and let me know what happens.


I did try to quiz him today but when I saw multiple choices, I am not sure if he’s ready for that…lol.
Maybe I could try it on the TV screen as he’s doing IXL on the big screen. He normally touches or points at the right answers.

I guess I could try that with Reading Bear too. I will let you know how it goes!! :slight_smile:


Dear Larry,

I think we are officially now in October javascript:void(0) How is Reading Bear going? Are you very VERY close to launching it?
I am sure you know how much we are all waiting for it…So any news on this will be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately cannot help as not English Native. Hope you got enough volunteers by now!

Take care,

The goal now is “mid-October.” We’re close to on track. Finishing the content for presentations 10-15 on time is going to be a big challenge, but I think we’ll be able to do it.

If you’re really waiting, then by golly, start using it at! I’m going to tell the programmers to make sure that user data is copied to, so if you make progress, your progress should be saved when we make the switch.

I’m sorry to say that a lot of the volunteers have stopped contributing, but I’ll have more for them to do, and will get them fired up (I hope!) after launch. At this point, the only thing volunteers could really save me time with is the timing data. On that, we have one very active volunteer, kauaiheidi (thanks Heidi!).

WAIT, let me take that back. In fact, you could help me. Find me videos and pictures (in that order) on to go with the following.

I have high, or at least idiosyncratic, standards, so I might not use your suggestions, but I really appreciate any help. (Personally it sometimes takes me 20 minutes to find just the right video–pix usually faster, but sometimes I take a long time there, too.) You can get some tips from this video and the three that follow it:

To check is to see whether something is correct. [teacher grading exam?]

A chick is a baby bird, especially a baby chicken.

To crunch is to crush or chew noisily. [someone eating cereal, potato chips, or other noisy food, causing annoyance; etc.]

A chat is the sort of talk friends have. These ___ are chatting.

When the cold makes you shiver, you feel a chill.

A chum is a good friend.

How much sand is there in the Sahara Desert [or if a Sahara vid is hard to find: the desert]?

Rover is such a good dog! [someone petting/loving a pet dog]

Which ____ would you like? [a person considering a choice, or better, one person offering another a choice]

You are rich if you have much more money than most other people have.

A ranch is a large piece of land where cows and bulls are raised.

A tree branch comes out of the tree trunk. OR Watch the branch sway in the wind.

Lunch is the meal we eat around noon

A tall glass of cool water will quench your thirst.

In boxing/karate, the fighters punch each other to score points.

To pinch is to squeeze hard with your fingers.

If you have an itch, you need to scratch.

A patch is a piece of cloth put over a hole in clothes. OR
If there is a hole in something, try putting a patch over it.

You pitch a ball for a batter to hit.

In stories, a witch was an evil, magical old woman.

Stretch a rubber band [or…], and it becomes longer and thinner.

A sketch is a quick, simple drawing of something.

Catch the ball/frisbee/etc.! He/she caught it.

A crutch, or two crutches, helps a person with a broken leg to move about.

A match can be used to start a fire.

also a match
A match could also be when two things look just alike. They match!

is it just me or others are experience the same . we have very slow internet connection and the lessons are painfully very slow , no way i could keep any toddler interested by looking at the empty white screen between active screens :frowning:
i used similar programs before but once you upload a lesson to your computer than the next time you run it , it goes fast . i really love this program , dad dude it is amazing work and reason why my now 5 years old took off with her reading , we played so much with those cards , but i thought having the reading bear will save me printing them again for her little brother . am i doing something wrong ?? anything i could change in the setting that could make it go fast ?? wish it could be made to an ipad application , the kids are so fascinated by this thing they are learning so much while they think they are playing .
to give you an example i could never play a you tube video directly online i should let it run once or save it o my computer than let it play , this is how bad our connection is . i really hope you can come with a way to save the program and lessons a la little reader to the computer than play them instead of doing it online .

Hi Viv, thanks for the feedback!

You’re absolutely right re things not loading faster after they have loaded the first time. I don’t know why I never noticed this before, but you’re absolutely right–those files should be cached semi-permanently. Don’t know why they aren’t. I’ll have to get the programmers on it.

Do you have a slow Internet connection? If so, you should probably click the “HD” button. This will change from the “high definition” version (not actually high definition, just the better quality version) to the “low bandwidth” version. This is still usable but should load much faster on a slow Internet connection.

At no point should you see a blank screen for more than a split second. If you’re waiting for the next slide to load, it should show you a progress bar. Are you seeing a progress bar while you wait? And if you are, then are you also seeing a link below it that says something like, “If you are tired of waiting, please click here to use our low bandwidth version.” There should be such a message that comes up with the progress bar.

Hi Larry,

I do want to help!
I am not a native speaker but will look through the vdo you posted tonight to see if I could be of help in any way!.



Hi Elle, thanks for the offer, but the above-listed words & sentences have been covered. We’re on track to launch next week…but I won’t say that for sure yet. :unsure:

Dear Larry
I have tried to register on the link you gave earlier on but it simply wouldn´t send me a confirmation email :frowning: Could you please have somebody to look into that? Or are you going to launch the reading bear website really soon and I should just try to be patient for a few days more :wink:

Best, Isa

Isa, there’s a ticket in for this bug. While most people don’t seem to have trouble registering, a few do, for reasons we haven’t figured out yet. Meanwhile, I can validate your account myself if you’re having trouble, just let me know ( In fact I just validated yours. And always check your spam folder!

Thanks Larry, I know I could count on you javascript:void(0). Good luck with the launch date!
XX Isa

I have a question for anyone who might be using Reading Bear with babies or toddlers: are you showing the video of the voiceover (in Settings, “Always show video of word spoken”), or do you leave that off? Does showing the voiceover video make the presentation more interesting to your tot?

I’m wondering if we should continue filming the voiceovers for later presentations. I’m also wondering at what point we can, perhaps, drop the “Sound It Out Slowly” presentations. I’m pretty sure it will be overkill to have “Sound It Out Slowly” all the way to the last word set.

I am showing it everytime, but I think either a video or picture would be fine for each picture I don’t thiink you need both.

I mean, do you show the videos of the voiceover person sounding out and saying the words? Or do you show only the words? If you have the “Always show video of word spoken” ON then you see:

(1) word
(2) word + video of voiceover
(3) word
(4) word + video of voiceover

If you have the setting OFF, then you see:

(1) word
(2) word
(3) word
(4) word
(and then the picture, the sentence, and the video illustrating the sentence)

Hi DadDude,

Nice looking page :slight_smile: I assume that you guys are still working on it, but there is a blue rectangle in the words background when I play the slides. Is t possible to remove it please?

Thank you

We’re still working on skinning, especially of IE and Firefox. Try it in Google Chrome (which is what I use) and you’ll see it in all its splendor.

Thx DadDude. You are right, I am using Firefox. I will try it on Chrome and see how it goes.