Reading at age 3

I just posted a video of my son reading right before he turned 4 last month. It is pretty horrible videography, as I had a very noisy baby crawling all over me and trying to eat the microphone, but I just wanted to share my little guys progress. He’s actually made strides since this video I am just waiting for a quiet time (maybe when brother is asleep?) to be able to capture it.

I can imagine how proud you should be of your big guy.
What programs and at what age have you been using,?

We initially did Doman, Letter factory, word factory but then at age 2.5 we switched to a more phonics method. We did “meet the sightwords” from preschool prep, The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading (skipping the first half where they teach letter sounds), and reading Eggs (which we have since stopped though he did love it for a while). He is almost to lesson 100 in The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading but it seems like he can figure out most words even long ones. Of course I also read to him daily and he reads me at least one chapter of a book of choice daily.