Reading and math

Hi friends

My baby is 3 months old, please can anyone help me with few questions.
i have started teaching her reading with flash card method, when can start to teach her math and if it has to be taken simultaneously how often should i teach math


Have you downloaded the free trial version of Little Math that BrillKids offers?
It is the same as using flashcards except it is on the computer with a built in curriculum for up to 2 semsters.
They break up the day into two sessions so I usually show my son session 1 in the morning and session 2 in the evening.
Now he loves his lessons so much he asks for them multiply times a day.

You can teach her math with reading simultaneously. How often you should teach her is upto to you to decide. Have you read the Glenn Doman book " How to teach your baby math"? It is very informative. will give you an idea.

Thank you friends. I have not read the book. I am first time mom and I have only little knowledge about the early infant education and I have no one to help me with it. Childandme and brillbaby website provides me better idea about it. Thank you. I will pretty get the book also