Reading a whole YBCR lesson at 15 mo!

Hi everybody! Yesterday my little girl (15 mo) read almost all the words from the first YBCR lesson in Spanish, which I downloaded from this forum not long ago. I am sooooo happy!!! :biggrin: : I managed to get a video as well :yes: .
Does anyone know when the Spanish curriculum for Little Reader will be available? My twins like soooo much YBCR in Spanish, I can’t wait to have LR!!

Wow! Congratulations! :smiley:
You are so lucky to have gotten it on video!
You have done an amazing job. Thank You so much for sharing the awesome news with us!
No idea when the Spanish curriculum will be released…I can’t wait either.

I just saw this post. How did you download the Spanish version? My daughter loves YBCR!

Congrats on the reading keep it going!

Hi elmo0209,
There are some files created by LR users in the Library section in Spanish.
This may be the file NPLight used:

Congratulations NPLight, that’s wonderful. :yes:

Yes, I used that file and some others that you can find on Brillkids library. I edited some of them and even changed the voice recordings in some cases where our Spanish (European) pronountiation differs much from Latin American pronountiation. I didn’t want to confuse my children with c’s, z’s, g’s and j’s as they were at the same time learning the alphabet… Also some of the original recordings are great, but in my opinion others are too slow, so I recorded them myself. I don’t do it much better, but for my children it was funny that it was my voice in there! If you are interested, send me a message with your email address and I will send to you all the YBCR Spanish files that I have.

Thanks NPLight. I just PM’d you.