Reading a book - age 2 years 2 weeks

My daughter, Laurana read the first half of a book today - it is a simple first reader and she knows a lot more words than are in that book, but it is the first time she has read a book out loud by herself. We started showing her flashcards and little reader a year ago and with time she’d point out words she knew and then say them (mostly nouns and occassionally verbs) About a month or so ago she started saying words like “and” and “the” when we showed her the flashcards and today she has read the book. Her concentration is not up to reading a full book yet so I’ll see if she’ll carry on reading from where we left off tomorrow. Her speech has come on rapidly in the last two or three weeks and she speaks in full sentences (usually 5-6 words/sentence, but iccassionally up to 9 words and she has started using “because” and “but” in her sentences too now which may explain why her reading has progressed now) I am so excited to see how fast she has progressed and look forward to seeing how things develop further - she loves reading and asks for library books every week.

Wow, you should be so proud of your daughter! Congratulations…Please do capture it on video for us… :slight_smile:

How exciting!!! Congrats and great work

Great job!!! Congrats. It is inspirational to hear your success story. It motivates the rest of us to continue on.

Thanks for sharing her success with us, Lori

Congratulations Tanikit! Well-done with your little one! :slight_smile: Looking forward to hear more great stories from you…

That is very inspiring! A big congratulations! Did you reinforce or modify some of her lessons during the last few weeks or it just happened on their own (her reading whole sentences)?

Congrats!!! :slight_smile:

Congrates to both of you!!!I can feel ur joy!!!Good Job keep it up!!!


We’ve been jumping around with our programme a lot - the last few weeks we went back to revising words she knew in sentences stuck on the wall and found she could read them out loud so we used the words in the book I wanted her to start with a bit more than the rest of teh words she knows and then gave her the book and helped her with the left to right and up and down reading and she did fine - she has since finished the book and we are checking new vocabulary before giving her another book.

Congrat! It is the happiest moment .Keep up the good effort!!

Congratulations!! How exciting to see all your hard work and investment paying off! You must be so happy and proud of your little girl!

If I can ask, what book titles have you been giving her to read? Just wanted to get an idea what books people first go to.

Momma Doc

We used Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme book 1a and 1b to start, (they are pretty boring books for me so I got her to read the words and then we discussed the picture at length which made it more exciting) but I have also been using other First Grade Readers. I have also moved to reading some of the Ladybird Fairy Tales (Level 1) - eg Goldilocks and the three bears, Cinderella etc with her as she loves these stories - she’s not quite able to read the whole books by herself yet, so I just point out a few words every time we read them.

I have also started making a few books myself about anything that excites her using similar vocabulary - we print off some colouring in pages about whatever she likes (Bambi, Dumbo and Dora the Explorer have been the latest) and then I write a few sentences and when she’s done reading it she can colour it in. That has held her attention well and given her a lot more confidence.

Congrats Tanikit!
What u’ve shared has given me an idea too!

Great job Tanikit! :slight_smile: