I agree that physical be the first - they are kids after all and it would be a shame to stiffle this with making any of the other things more important. Reading is the key to unlocking all the other things and what a wonderful tool Little Reader is!! I haven’t started with any foreign languages yet, but also think that it is important.
In my mind I believe that the physical program is important and during April-Sept we doin the swimming program almost everyday and gymnastics once a week year round but becasue of where we live (a neighborhood where it is not safe to walk on the streets or go to a local track/park) the rest of the physical program is quite difficult for us so it seems to fall by the wayside. So our Ideal and Actual are different. Maybe someday we will be able to move and it will change.
Ideal: Actual:
Physical Reading
Reading Math
Math Encyclopedic Knowledge
Encyclopedic knowledge Physical
I haven’t yet been very educated on the Doman Program, but just wanted to say that I would have already placed things in the same order you did: physical, reading, math, encyclopedic knowledge. It just seems to make sense since kids obviously have a need to move and they learn so much from play and motion. Of course you can’t do much with the other areas if reading doesn’t happen, so that makes sense too.