Questions to Domans

Can you please come up with great questions to ask the Domans and the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. Thanks!

I trust Doman and his methods. But I would like to see some videos of the children trained by the Institutes doing instant math (add, sub, multiplication, division, and fractions).

“How to teach your baby to read” has a lot of testimonials from parents who were successful in getting their children to read. Why does the book “How to teach your baby to do math” does not carry any testimonial section?


I have a silly question what is the doman method and how do you find it

According to Dr. Glenn Doman’s methods, you can teach babies to read, do math, learn multiple languages etc. right from birth. You can read the book “How to teach your baby to read” and “How to teach your baby math” by Dr. Doman for better comprehension and minute details. Otherwise, you can go through the forums in this website for details.


You may not want to ask all these…

  1. If they are non-profit dedicated to helping kids, why are their products so expensive? Surely they could put all their EK bits and POIs onto a Cd-rom so we can buy it cheaper and postage is cheap. And the 10 cd-rom picture dictionary couldve been put all on one cd-rom. And why some books are hardcover when it’s cheaper to post softcover…

  2. Why do POIs have to have 10 bits of info. Why not 8 or 12, or however many interesting facts we find?

  3. Have they been looking at any new ways to grow IQ since they discovered flashcard method?

  4. Do we have to follow their recipe EXACTLY…how many to show for how many days, how many to retire…etc. Cant the system work if varied somewhat?


They have the answer to your 4th question in their books. They say there are no hard and fast rules and you can modify the method according to what you think will work for your child. They say that they have just given the guidelines for the program and we can feel free to modify it if it benefits the child.


The exercises in “How smart is your baby” and “You can teach your baby to read” etc seem completely unrealistic in terms of the number of times per day that you should teach your baby. E.g the phyical exercises for a newborn should be done ten times per day. I would like to know how this is possible?

lol karma to you nikita.

i also find the stuff expensive and i have the doman cd roms vol 1 and 2. it could have been put in one cd.

i live in SA so its 20$ times 8

the maths concerns as well.

i guess when one attends the course you can see for yourself how to teach and see the kids doing maths. doman does say that the kids in the institute can do the instant maths and different types of equations.

i think a new doman book is needed with all of their new research and findings and experiences. im sure they must be aware of powerpoint presentations and new ways of making resources.

I would also like an update on new methods and also addressing any on-going research they have been doing into IQ and how do we continue to increase our baby’s capabilities in areas that are important to us.

I wonder why in EK Program we should teach only one fact about each objects each time. Why it is less effective if we teach all about a object at once (e.g. all facts about pinguins), than after a few days switch to other object of interest (all about ice bears)? - I think it would be much easier for us to do so. And that’s somehow the way we went through topics at school.

I remember they talked about composition in their book. But I can still not make it out.

Graffjamie, are you going to ask/write an email to the Doman Institute? - That would be/is a great idea! If yes, when?

I have just completed the course - and I myself still have many, many, many questions - not unlike yours! I will keep trying to get answers. Until then, may I guess at some of the answers now:

The price of the materials may seem high because they are a non-profit that has no real funding - aside from tuition and teaching materials income.

Janet claims that they break even or lose money on their Programs of Intelligence line (she didn’t mention anything else - by the way, I think their POI material is very modestly priced and extremely high quality! I bought everything they had in stock…)

The CD ROMs cost something to produce and they have to recoup their costs with the price of the CDs.

They also claim to be running - non-profit - by “the seat of their pants” (barely paying the bills and staff each year - with shortfalls some years).

Keep in mind: almost everything Brillkids or any other “baby education” system does comes from Glen Doman’s and the people at the Institutes 50 years of hard work.

I can tell you that the Institutes are definitely not wallowing in funds (like they should be!)

As to the arbitrary numbers and cookie cutter system: it is just a starting point - the most important thing they emphasize is flexibility and constant change to accommodate your babies educational (and brain development) level, aptitude, and whim. You are not so much “teaching” as simply presenting things for your incredibly curious, brilliant baby to experience, appreciate, absorb and learn.

As to the impossibility of their programs: they know how incredibly difficult they are to perform successfully - they designed them for a “maximum” ideal - and yet the most dedicated professional mothers do claim to succeed at them!

You can find the most basic info in all of their books from any library,, and of course

I will ask about testimonials about the math - curious myself!

I have already asked “How, when and where can I examine all of the scientific data supporting all of these assertions”? No answer yet.

I will see what else I can learn from them directly or elsewhere!

Dear Graffjamie, I am glad you had the opportunity to take the course, and pls keep us posted on your progress as well as on your request for scientific data to validate their theories. I will be interested in reading about it.

I want to ask your opinion on the children that you saw at the seminar. I took the seminar last year and they had kids everyday so they could show the parents how the lessons should be given, and also see how the kids respond to these techniques.
When I went to the seminar I went looking for scientific data - after the seminar I was very very impress with the kids I saw and the parents I talked to - at that point all the pieces fall in place as far as I was concern and I moved forward with the program.

Seeing the kids with my own eyes do instant math as well as older kids solving calculus equations by themselves, the way they were playing the violin, also Shakespeare play for over 3 hours (totally memorized by kids ages 5 to 17), just to mention a few of their competences, was very impressive to me. I didn’t needed further research – there is something powerful about following your gut instinct as a mother and seeing these kids in person, normal kids, happy kids, respectful kids, confident kids was a life changing experience for us.

Good Luck




It’s great that you have attended the seminar and witnessed things for yourself. When we people who have read only his books have so much faith in the system, I know how much more convincing it is to see it in person. Please do let us know whatever you learn from them.


Your reply was a testimonial by itself. I know how much thrilled you must have been to see kids doing instant math and performing amazing tasks. Now this is a good motivation for me to keep doing the program consistently. Would love to know more from you guys on what is taught at the seminar, is it the same thing as outlined in their books or anything more…or whatever you think will be good for us to know. Thanks a bunch.
