Questions on Midbrain Activation

Greetings Everyone,

There had been a lively debate on Merits/Legitimacy of Midbrain Activation in the past.

Can I please invite/ request interested members to summarise their questions for me?

I have been invited by Kelly Howell to take part in an interview on 20 th June about our programs
Kelly Howell is a pioneer in the field of brain entrainment and this is an important event for our company and our partners worldwide.

Kelly has asked me to submit the questions that I would like her to ask me.

I am looking for questions that go beyond the Why and How such as “why do you blindfold the child?”

As a reward for your contribution, I will send a copy of the final report plus a complimentary report from our Member’s Only site

Thank you in advance

Nice to see you back, Raymond! I am looking forward to see this discussion.