Questions on how to modify Doman Math program

Hi everyone,

My son is 20 months old. We’ve been doing the Your Baby Can Read program since 1/1/09. I’ve been doing Doman Math with the Doman Cards for about 1 week. Each day I’m not able to show all three sessions of both sets to my son. I’m reliably able to do two sessions of each set.

Here’s my question. Do I go back to 1 set 3x per day or can I show 2 sets 2x per day? If showing 2 sets 2x per day, do I extend the days showing the cards to get all 15 sessions in?

Do you have any other suggestions?

On another note. Honestly, he’d rather do the reading and I think he’s getting a bit bored with the math cards. I am evaluating LIttle Math beta and like it very much, but wonder if its’ ready for showing my son. I notice the first word of some of the sets are cut off. Does anyone have an opinion on showing it to their children as a beta?

Thanks in advance!

I noticed the same thing. Do you know that there are 2 different English woman pronunciations? Set it to the Fast version, and I think you will find that they are not cut off anymore :biggrin:

As far as your other question, I say do what you can! Anything you do is going to be helpful. Some people cannot fit in a full Doman-schedule; do what works best for the both of you.