Questions about showing words and pictures both...

I am preparing Powerpoint presentations for EK for my little boys… for each ‘item’ I have a word slide and a picture slide… I see this is a popular method from other people’s PPT presentations too. (I don’t have Little Reader and can’t afford to get it at this time). For a lot of the presentations, I’d like them to learn the words also, and not just hear the words with the pictures. Likewise, I’ve put pictures on the backs of my reading program cards to spice it up or to show the meaning of the word (especially when our little one comes in December and I’ll start a reading program earlier with him/her). I’m just not sure of the best way to present these word and picture cards.

At the beginning of some people’s PPT presentations I see a nice little chart that shows sort of a checklist of words + pictures (Days 1-10 3X/day), pictures (Days 1-10 3X/day), and then words only (Days 1-5 3X/day). How is this chart/checklist used? Can anyone tell me?

Also my question… if you are showing word ‘a’, then picture ‘a’, then word ‘b’, then picture ‘b’, then word ‘c’, picture ‘c’ and so on… do you say the word ‘a’ twice, once for the word and once for the picture? Otherwise, what keeps the child from wrongly associating picture ‘a’ with word ‘b’?

Also a question… if I want them to see the words and the pictures (and I’m planning to print out all my material; not use the computer), then should I be putting the words on the backs of the picture cards, or should I have always separate word and picture cards? (Having them on the same card will help ME from mixing up unfamiliar material!) But then does that make it awkward to show both the word and the pictures?

Please, if anyone is showing both words and pictures for their EK program (maybe also using paper, not the computer), or even words and pictures for their Reading program… can you describe to me how you are going about this? How many days for each way, how often per day, etc.?

Is there someone with advice about how to present both pictures and words (for EK or for reading program)… please read the above post.

my apologies, I really wanted reply when i first saw this but was too busy to type it!

I may not be able to answer all the questions, but I’ll try to explain as much as I can

I will advice word separate picture separate, either on same card or different card meaning word on one side of the card and picture on the other side OR word on one card and picture on separate card, this is because it will help them see the word over the picture as if there is a picture they will tend to look at the picture diverting attention from the word.

and yes you say the word twice, like you show the word first and read the word aloud and then show the picture and read the word again aloud while showing the picture and then move to the next word and read that word aloud and so on…

as for having it all in same card, word and picture, I would advice you against it as it will be difficult to show the picture side on time, as doman method says you flip the cards as soon as you can. I have tried this method, flipping the card to show the picture, and it is very difficult compared with showing the word on separate card right after the word. try it u self on blank cards and if you think you can do it quick I dont think there is any problem,

I am not doing EK on doman method just showing him random slide shows and LR files on EK, so I am not so fit to answer your last question.

as for the first question, I really dont understand the question.