
I have seen ur web for few times and i do like your web, it;s so unique! last time i saw how to learn music and i do curious about that. do you have a clue, what is that for and how does it like??

chloe’s mom

Hi, Chloe’s mum!
Not sure I’m clear what you’re referring to, but if you’re talking about Little Musician, our upcoming software program, then that is a program to help parents teach their child(ren) musical concepts, and letting them associate sound/pitch with musical notation, note names, etc. And lots more functions which we can’t disclose for now! :slight_smile:

Here’s the sneak peak topic :!/


Yeah, me too are wondering how Little Musician works. I’ve read that children really benefit from playing instruments at the age of 8. But I’m sure teaching music early on has it’s advantages. I wonder if the program ‘teaches’ the child to play? Or read notes? Let’s just wait for the Beta release! :slight_smile:

Me too I am very excited and expecting a good result from the Little Musician. I expect it to be a success at all the levels, whether it stimulates the kids hearing skills and will certainly teach them how to understand music better hence playing music better.

good guest page.
thank you.