question on Doman's math

I have read the “Teach Your baby to Read” and “How Smart is Your Baby” but not the Mathmatics book. I was wondering how often and how much are you supposed to introduce math to the babies? I have started with five red dot cards 3 times a day but is this enough?

thanks for the help!

As I already wrote in another thread - for those that have not read the book of Glenn Doman and would like to know more, here is what to do and in more details how to start with dot cards.

The first step = Teaching quantity recognition
The second step = Equations with dot cards
The third step = Problem solving
The fourth step = Teaching Numerals
The fifth step = Equations with numerals

The first step is teaching quantity recognition which is teaching your baby to be able to perceive actual numbers which are the true value of numerals (the symbols).
The first day:Begin with dot cards 1-5 and show it to your child three times first day
The second day: Add dot cards 6-10 and show both categories of 5 cards three times a day = 6 daily sessions
Continue to show two sets of five cards, each set three times a day, total of six math sessions spread out during the day, equaling a few minutes in all.
After second day alway mix the sets up. Constant mixing and reshuffling will keep the sessions new and exciting.
On the sixth day and later add 2 new cards daily and put away 2 old cards daily. This is how you retire cards: Every day remove the two lowest numbers from the ten cards you have been teaching for five days.
You may feel that the baby needs new material more quickly, then you should retire three cards daily and add theree new once. Or even four.
Always resist the temptation to review old card over and over again.
Always stop before your baby wants to stop.
You and your baby should both enjoy the math session. If not something is wrong.

Good luck! :wink: Martina

Thank you so much for answering. I was hoping I didn’t have to buy that book too but maybe I should. When you said in step one, teaching quantity recognition. Does this mean I should turn off the word and just use the media until I get to step 4? Should I go ahead and make the cards so I will have them when I get to step two?

Thanks for your help!

Can someone explain to me what Doman is pls?

Here you go:

Thanks, I always learn new interesting things from this site!

I started teaching math after reading several threads in this forum. The following threads were especially helpful.’s-method/

The answer to your question about turning off the words until step four is: Yes. You should just show the dots.

The book says you can do 2 sets of 5 cards as long as your baby is happy with that. Later, when you’ve taught the numbers 1-20, you’ll start adding 1 to 3 equations, 3 times a day. That means you’ll be doing 2 sets of 5 cards 3 times a day and 1 to 3 equations 3 times a day.

I found the dot cards at a consignment shop and was very happy. :slight_smile: It has helped in doing step 2. I’m looking forward to Little Math, as I hope that will make doing equations easier, too. Later, when your child gets to equations, Doman says you can start asking him questions like, “What is 13 + 6?” And show him two cards and let him choose, if he wants. If he doesn’t choose a card, you just show him the correct answer and say, “Here is 19. It is the right answer isn’t it?” (Very cheerfully) I don’t know what the Little Math program will be capable of, so I do not know if you would be able to do that without the cards. So, my long answer, to your short question is, “Yes, I think having the cards helps.”

I hope this helped a little. :slight_smile:

By the way, I just got to read the Teach Your Baby Math book, and I don’t think you have to buy it. If you have read the other books, it basically uses the same method to teach math. And the folks on this forum are very nice about answering questions, if you have more. But it was nice to read for myself, and he tells nice stories of other children and moms.

The following links have also helped me:
The second link is Domanmom’s (the first may be, too?). She is part of this forum, too.

Hello! I’m new to this… so I was wondering if anyone could tell me at what age I should I begin the math program. I have daughters 20 yrs old,17 yrs. old, 16 yrs. old (on Friday) and 14 1/2 yrs. old and now a son at 5 months old!!! Of course I didn’t know any of this with my daughters when they were little and (with no home computers or internet) and now there is just a vast amount of information. I actually just received my math kit yesterday. As far as reading, I found the “YOUR BABY CAN READ” website first and have been doing that since he was 3 months old. All seems to be going well with that. He already points to body parts (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, fingers and toes) when I ask him where his are or where mine are or even on a puppet or stuffed animal… so I know he’s picked up on things and quite quickly… So when should I start the doman math? At the same time? I know it stresses that you shouldn’t “TEST”… but at what time can you test? How do I know he is getting it if I don’t test? Then at what time do I start with encyclopedic knowledge? I anxiously await an answer! Thanks! :clown:

Hello schlingmann!

It is great that your baby is doing so well with the reading!
From what I read in Doman’s book, you can start math now. Younger babies learn faster than older babies. :biggrin: But start when you are comfortable. Read the book (if it came in your kit), get used to the cards, then start when you want to. It is easier to show them the cards when they aren’t moving too much, so I say now would be easier than when he is one year old and running around. :wink:

As for testing, Doman says in his book that you can start giving your baby problem solving opportunities when you start equations. Give him one problem to solve at the end of your equations session. But he says, even then, if your baby doesn’t choose an answer, or starts to give a wrong one, to just show him the right answer and cheerfully keep going.

I have heard said that you should teach reading first (as you have already done), math next, then encyclopedic knowledge. You may want to wait until you have a good routine going with the math program and you are comfortable with it before starting the encyclopedic knowledge. I think one of the things Doman stressed was to have good materials ready. So, you could work on preparing the encyclopedic knowledge while you get used to the math.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile: