Question for those whose children are reading fluently.

My son just turned two. I know that he can read at least 700 words. He occasionally will read words on his own. When he was younger he would happily show off and tell me what he knew. He is not so willing to do that anymore, though more willing than he used to be. I know he can read sentences if I put flash cards out but he shows no interest in doing so on his own.

The other day he asked me to read the “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. I said, “No you read it to mommy.”

So he opened the book and read,“In the light of the moon a little egg lay leaf.” So, I move my finger back to the parts he missed “on the” and he read them. Then I went slowly over each word and he read those one at a time. We have read this book enough times that everyone in our house has it memorized. But obviously he can also read it.

At this point do you put readers in front of your kids to read. I don’t think he’d like that much. Or do I just keep reading to him and let him come to it in his own time. He can read the words off the first 5 lessons of reading bear. If I use the setting where he has to sound out the words he will, buts asks to have it sounded out for him. And he will not tell me the word until the program asks him to.

My question I guess is how to move from a word reader to a reader without tears. I know how to do it with tears, I have a 17 year old who shed lots of them but was reading at about a 2 grade level before kindergarten. He doesn’t remember that thankfully.

I taught my son phonics while he was learning with the whole word method. He transitioned from whole word reading (started at 12 months) to reading phonetically at 17 months with no tears. Sometimes I see Cayden is so excited he misses words here and there. In the beginning I would have to go back and point at the words he missed but now he is doing that on his own. We would have a hooray for Cayden celebration after each sentence was read. Which eventually transitioned into celebrations after each paragraph, page and now book. He does not always like showing off that he can read and reads to himself often.
I have a magnetic white board hanging that he loves with soft foam phonic magnets which he uses to make words, teach himself how to spell and make couplets.
I would try to engage him in reading readers that have stories close to something he is really into. Lately Cayden has taken a liking to the Little Pim panda and he has been pulling all his books with pandas in them. Definitely keep reading to him as much as he lets you it seems like he is already a great reader and will be there in no time. That is very impressive that he is reading all those lessons in Reading Bear.

Sonya, very interesting. E. (22 months) now has a 75% success rate, I’d say, for the short vowel presentations, when I ask him to say the words without any sounding-out. But it varies quite a bit. If he’s really into it he can get almost all of them. If not, it’s pointless. It’s definitely effortful for him and I think he still doesn’t have all of the letter sounds perfectly memorized, so we’re still reviewing ABCs. Also, I know for a fact that he can sound out some new words, because he read the word “tin” and “Jim” without any sounding out which isn’t in Reading Bear or in any other source, that I can recall, so I’m pretty sure he has not memorized those. But on the other hand he definitely has memorized some words, including some CVC words which he very reliably gets. Oh, and yesterday, he read the word “truck” off a “Truck Entrance” road sign without any help. I’m fairly sure he memorized that one from any of various videos and books.

I sometimes feel like I’m not doing all for E. that I should, but, well, I’ve got to be working full time…


You know, there is a LR file called “What Cavers Do” if you show E. that file he will learn “entrances” and he can just say the whole thing.

Philip is much like E. in that it always depends on the mood. I haven’t figured out what all goes into the mood, I just know there is one. With Philip I’m certain the lack of accuracy at times is entirely the issue of desire and not an issue of knowledge.

I’ve read what you wrote about doing it with your oldest. I am leaning in the direction of just letting him decide when he wants to and not making an issue out of lessons until he is 4 or 5. I don’t want him spending more than 1.5 - 2 hours a day on lessons at this age. I do have to clarify that I don’t consider things like Little Musician, Little Reader, and Reading Bear lessons as they are to him fun things we do. Soft Mozart is fun but it is clearly not in the same camp and we consider it a lesson and we treat it as such. As well as math instruction and soon violin. So, that will take up much of his lesson time and I’ll just have to wait till he is ready. If we keep doing the programs it is not like he will be ten and not reading - it is an issue of a couple weeks or months. I still want him outside most of the day picking up bugs and eating dirt.

Alex did the same thing at just about 22 months, and I finally discovered that I was reading, native reading, too slow for her liking. See if you can track WHAT words he tends to leave out! In speed reading, especially with little ones, the DO tend to leave out articles and things they see as non-essential for the reading of the story. Especially if it is a story he has read/had read to him.
When you read to him, try speeding up your reading, taking care with pronunciation still ( no sub-vocalizing yet!) with native reading (running your finger quickly under each word as you read it for those of you not familiar with the idea.) use an excessive, over-exaggerated level of prosody, and see if his comprehension changes. I found I was boring my child!

I also started phonics work with my kiddo at about six months, although I did not know that was what the name for what I was doing was. We were just playing. NO formal lessons, but lots of phonemic awareness,
phonics, sounds games. Alex now reads phonetically and fluently, with great expression. We have never had an official lesson.

We did start ‘Buddy Reading’ at about two. I would read a page, then she would…in fact, it was about this
time that she insisted that she read all and only the even-numbered pages, whilst mommy read the odd-numbered! I also remember at one point I would read a sentence, and she would reread it mimicking my
vocalization and pronunciation for confidence…

Here is a video of her reading at just shy of 2.5…I apologize if some of you have seen it, but we have not
uploaded any recent videos and I think it illustrates my point about intonation and prosody-as an aside, there is a ton of research demonstrating that exaggerated prosody leads to a very comprehension…

This is a hard question to answer as I think there are so many ways to get kids reading books that it depends a LOT on the person teaching - and almost any method can and should work.

My DD spent ages between the ages of about 20 months and 2.5 years reading words all over the place. At the same time I started to teach her to blend and basically blended for her whenever we saw a written word. I was also using flashcards to make sentences for her to read and teaching her that words go from left to right and top to bottom when reading.

It was only around the 3 year mark that I specially moved to books with her and we used the Ladybird Key Words reading scheme with sight words which she had known on flashcards for quite a long time. This in itself involved switching to much smaller print though we had practiced this by writing words on paper while she drew. She moved through these books with me reading some and her reading some and although she is nearly 5 she is still not an entirely independent reader although she will read short books to her sister in the car and the amount she reads when we read aloud together is a lot more than it initially was.

My DD likes to spend a lot of time with me and needs cuddle and quality time which is why the reading together worked so well for us. She did complain occassionally especially when I increased the output expected (now you will read a paragraph instead of just a sentence) but we never had tears over reading else I would have put it away. Find what it is that your child likes - some like playing games with you, others are fiercely independent and really want to read books alone, some want to copy older brothers and sisters, some are quite happy just to have words and sentences and signs pointed out in public and enjoy doing that as a game.

From 3.5 years old I did start teaching reading more formally - I used a phonics programme and expected my daughter to sound out 4 words a day based on a specific rule (long vowels at this stage) If you are expecting things at a young age just make sure that they take very little time and start small and work up - expect him to read a few words and then a sentence and so on - they are so little and their concentration is short. My own DD was so very active and distractible that letting her run and jump around between doing anything that involved concentration was necessary (and still is today - she needs a LOT of activity)

He will get there. Just keep moving forward in slow steps.

My son is 2.75 and reading fairly fluently. Depends on mood of course. But we went straight from about where you are to the Bob books. They only have 1-3 words per a page in the initial books and then slowly move up adding additional sounds and words as you progress through the series. From there you can go into other readers with you switching off as needed.

Thanks all for the input.

We’re doing phonics with Reading Bear and just started Startfall. I’m not sure how I am going to approach this. I did pick up Native Reading at the library - it is my impression that the book could have been a pamphlet and probably not going to be a reference book. We do some phonics games but only casually and definitely not with a lot of pressure.

I am wondering something for DadDude or others. There are studies that show we retain less on the back-lit screen of a computer. How much do you think this effects retention for things like LR and Reading Bear?

We went to the library today to get some new books with large letters to attempt “buddy” reading. I’m putting him to bed and I had the first two pages and he had the third. It comes to his turn to read and he reads the number 3 but not the rest. So I say, “Hey what does the rest say.”

His reply,“I’m mad. So frustrated. I can’t stand it.” He is clenching his fists and smiling. So I say, “Oh really. Are you going to read?”

He jumps out of his bed and climbs on his train table and says,“I’m frustrated. 3 fluffy sheep. See, I can’t stand it. Look at the moon.”

I think we will give it some more time.

I am wondering something for DadDude or others. There are studies that show we retain less on the back-lit screen of a computer. How much do you think this effects retention for things like LR and Reading Bear?

I’m from the old school and don’t retain as much from screen than printed and bound. Perhaps this relates to tactile association of reading a book, or just habit (you have to hold a kindle)… also, when I’m really going at it, I’m writing my thoughts and questions in the margins as I go… but I was a reader that was always behind in school and this “writing” could become more of a mental habit done in the mind vs. having to actually write - regardless this absolutely helps me retain and process and is effectively impossible to do on the screen.

Not that I would really recommend this as a good method, but for us it was about offering a reward to him if he finished his 2 reading books for the day. I knew he could do the reading, but either he wasn’t confident in reading, or his busy little body just wanted to be doing other things. Because he was eager for the reward such as a play date, etc. he was willing to keep working at it and focus more. Now he is a very confident reader and is very self motivated to read.

James is 2.75 also.
He reads fairly fluently with words he knows. Which is enough for him to read simple books with context clues. He is still a sight word/whole word reader. And if I am honest, I am also. I very seldom have to sound out words, but that is from many years or reading practice. Even so, when I come across a new word i do not phonetically sound it out. I break it into known chunks. Into is a word james had no issue reading for the first time because he sees two words he knows in it.
James can read the word cat because he knows that word cat. But he is able to read bat because it is like cat with a b or to him it is like at with a b. I am honestly not sure about his mental process.I have just noticed him doing this with certain words that he has not learnt. Tonight he was reading and he couldn’t figure out the word red or hen. These should be easily decodeable but he has not mastered any other ed or en words.

James does know how to decode, but it is a real struggle still and he loses all fluency when he has to read a lot of CVC easily decodable words, or phonics based readers. And frankly he HATES decoding. It is a lot of work. And the “Mat sat. Sam sat.” books bore him silly. 2 pages and he is done.

So for now we just stick to books with a lot of sight words and I help him fill in the gaps of words he does not know. We work on phonics on the side, we play reading bear and do isolated CVC words. I think in time it will click and those words that pop up will not be such a struggle and he will do fine. He just needs practice.

It is now not an option in our house, it is expected. James reads to me before every nap and before going to bed at night. Then I read to him. Right now he is reading me preschool prep readers. He loves them. He also skips small words. But we are slowing down and focusing on touching every word as we go. Initially I would put my finger under every word. Now he is doing it.

For a reluctant reader maybe there could be an option of something unpleasant or reading time. Like a choice between a nap now or reading time. Or a choice between clearing the table or reading time. :slight_smile: Find something that you don’t mind sacrificing.

Oh and maybe I should mention… James went through a reluctant stage where he read a book for a mini m&m. I wouldn’t recommend it. But it was motivation for him. And we had no issues phasing out the reward.

Hey Sonya-
What about your own version of a summer reading at the library program? I am actually not to keen on giving specific short-term rewards for immediate goals, except maybe something like a sticker star chart? With a long term goal he gets to work towards? Especially if he gets to tell you about the book he ‘buddy read’ or whatever. Even if you only require him to read aloud a sentence per page, or every other page, whatever you think he will be comfortable with. Possibly even ask him?
Regardless, when he meets his goal for the day, a star on a chart or on his hand, working toward a weekly goal maybe? For Alex, when she read an entire book for herself she was allowed to choose a book from the bookstore for her very own (which of course she REALLY wanted to read!) you may have to figure out the best incentive for him, but incremental goals he can build up to, but see daily progress? Alex quickly ( as in over the course of a month!) started choosing more and more difficult books, and her comprehension skyrocketed. And something satisfying about having books she EARNED! Months later she can still pull books off the shelf and tell me which ones she earned!
Maybe he won’t want to earn books, but favored activity or trip to a favorite play place?it doesn’t take long at all before the reward is forgotten and the reading itself becomes primary! Especially if the rewards initially take at least a week to earn…I also think this has given her an understanding in the basis of hard work, rather than immediate gratification!


I have been thinking about this for some time. Hellene over at Soft Mozart has suggested the same thing for music training. I am in philosophical agreement. We don’t pay for chores at my house. You live in my house and you are part of the family and get the benefit of being in the family. However, I do pay my oldest for things like schoolwork, lessons outside of school. doing a job well, having an appropriate attitude when completing tasks, things that he does around my house that I would have to pay someone to do like huge landscaping.projects. My thought on this has been that this stuff is his job right now. Everyone in my house must work. We get paid to work. I want him to learn that there is a direct correlation between how much he works and how much he gets paid. So, we don’t call this an allowance we call it commissions. There are fines associated with not doing certain tasks like forgetting to take out he garbage, leaving a mess for someone else to pick up. The reason behind that is that if he doesn’t do what he is supposed to do, someone must come along and pick up the slack. So he must pay them for their time. plus in real life if you do things that your aren’t supposed to do (speeding) you get fined. I don’t get bent out of shape about work not done, I just don’t pay for work not done. It is fun to watch a child learn that a surefire way of getting money is to work. Plus, we’ve expected that he pay for certain things as well. That has increased as he’s gotten older, but so had the amount of the commissions he’s earning. So, if he wants underwear he is going to have to work to get it. I don’t buy that anymore.

We tried music money earlier this year, it didn’t really work as he just tried to eat it. Stickers towards a prize perhaps. Books will probably not be it as we own a book store…we have about 30,000 books in our house. We rotate his books out frequently other than his favorites. Plus we are at the library all the time - because we obviously don’t have enough books lol But the point is made. I will give this some thought. There will come a time when this is required of him, I’m just not sure now is the time. He is required to play piano, do math, and soon play violin. I’m not sure I want to require that he read to me just yet. When he is three I will transfer him to commissions like his big brother so an early version of our pay scale perhaps. I just have to think about how to implement.

We have good news! This evening my little guy and I a were spending time reading before bed. We were working on Reading Bear “pot” presentation. One of his favorite words is “plop”. I wrote it on a white board and we sounded it out. Then I asked him to do it - which he did. Shocker. Then, we went back to reading bear and I asked him to sound out words. He’s got all the words down from the first 5 presentations so this isn’t a problem. I just wanted him to take apart the words and sound them out one letter at a time.
He did it. A light bulb went on.

I’m not sure where the problem was coming from but somewhere between the letter, the sound and forming a word he was having trouble and he’s just been memorizing - which is what we do with Little Reader. He could put the words together if I said the sounds but something wasn’t registering. Anyway, we’d taken apart several words when he exclaimed, “I did it.” We spent a good half hour pulling apart words and putting them together again. We were reading words he’d never seen before at least in LR and Reading Bear. Pretty sure we are going to keep at this game for at least a couple of weeks and move ahead in Reading Bear before I introduce readers. Now that I know the connection was made I want to solidify it before putting too much more on him. Whatever was going on he was frustrated. But tonight, he was so pleased with himself - it was wonderful to watch and so much fun!