question for KL re dd reading

Hi KL,

I was recently re-watching your video of your dd reading. WHat I would like to know is what did you do between 18months and 2 1/2 years to get her to be reading a fluently as she does. How did you progress her from reading single words to reading books. The reason why I ask is because Im stuck myself on how to progress my dd. I have followed YBCR to a tea and I am following Wink to Learn and LR cirriculum as well as my own flash cards and reading 3 books a day to her. On top of this I work part time? My dd still as far as I know can only site read 20 words, that she can express to me. I don’t know if she knows anymore because I try really hard not to test her.

Any advice would be much apprciated.


Hi Kimba,

Well, that was the time when she just loved reading and being read to. Apart from computer sessions, we also did bedtime reading almost every night. We would often take turns to read, either splitting pages, or I would do the spoken-out voices, all the while pointing to each word (and often trying hard to cover the pictures with one hand!).

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

I am at the same stage you are at - my daughter can read a lot of words and has shown us she can. She can also read a large amount out loud, but has only ever read a full sentence out loud once. I am continuing to do Little Reader with her, we still put flashcards on the wall to make sentences though not so often as we did before and I am reading her a LOT of books. I also let her sit in her car chair when we are driving and “read books” herself and I often ask her to read me a story where she just retells the story based on the pictures.

She is starting to point out words, letters and numbers everywhere now and her speech has got to the stage where she will speak in 4-5 word sentences but she is still not using words like “and” or “the” in her speech. I have a feeling her speech will have to come first and then she can read aloud a book.

Basically at the moment I want to keep her very interested in reading and not let it be a chore - she’s got to want to read before she will and up to now the connection between the written word and the story is not quite there for my daughter because she is still making up the story from the pictures. I am just continuing to teach her words, some phonics (I use and both of which she loves) and read, read, read to her. (I also point to words as I read to her)