Question conc. Flashcards

Hi everybody,

Since about 2 weeks my little daughter likes to watch flashcards and remembers also a few (maybe 7-8) out of 21. I introduced these 21 cards rather slowly and show them now always in 2 parts - sometimes 2. part just after 1. part, if she wants to. Now I’ve printed about 15 more cards and don’t know, how to introduce them. Should I always take away 3-4 cards and add in 3-4 new ones?

I think, if I remove “old” cards, she won’t learn the words on them (or should I add them in again later?)
Should I just move on, when she knows all her words?

Please advice!

Thank you!!! :slight_smile:

What program are you trying to follow right now, traditional Doman method? Are you using Little Reader?

Just looking for a bit more info! :slight_smile:

I’m using LR, I did the whole 12-month-curriculum with my baby, but she didn’t gave me a sign, she could read. Two weeks ago I showed her flashcards (just different words from different categories, random) and finally she read a few words. So now I’m motivated to make more flashcards. My cards have a picture on the back, and I always show her the picture also.

Hm… I think, it is a Doman program, when I show her the cards 3 times daily and add in new cards / retire old ones?

I just don’t know, if I should wait, until she reads out all the cards.

Today I showed her the card “boy” for the first time and she just picked it up immediatly. Next time, I showed her, she just said “boy” without even seeing the picture.

I am so excited for your progress! Perhaps this will help you.

Are you making cards by hand? If not, have you tried using LR to make and print your own flashcards? I find it easiest to use LR when I want to print flashcards, they are all uniform and I don’t have to mess with MS Word.

Yes, that’s the Doman method.
What I do with my daughter is when she can read the word I retire it. I usually show the words for a week and if she starts reading words to me before I say it. I retire it and replace those words with new ones. Its much easier to do then to try and remember to pull out three or four words. My daughter will usually learn about 4 to 6 new words before I start pulling them out and replacing them with new words.
I keep the words that she knows set aside and once a week , or sometimes more, I pull them out and we go over the ones she knows. I find that it keeps her from forgetting them.
I hope that makes sense.

Thank you for your very helpful answers!

TracyR4: That’s a great idea, I think I will also do it this way. Just retire the cards, she already knows. It is always hard for me to choose, which cards to retire…

TeachingMyToddlers: Super link, thank you so much!


I’m showing my flashcards to my little daugther now since about 5 weeks. She already learned to read 85 words!!
I always take out the words, she can read and replace them with new ones.

BUT: Unfortunately she forgets many of the old words, altough we often play with them, so she can see them again. But I can not show her every word (over 80) every day and also the new ones! She also wouldn’t have patience for this.

How do you do that? And I think, it gets even more obvious, when she once knew about a few hundred words (will she forget half of it or more?).

Hi, maybe you can try to make some homemade books that contain simple sentences of the words your baby already knows. You could read these books as an alternative to showing the flashcards. if the pages are bound with a ring, they could also be replaced, making it a different book each time it is read. Hope this helps.

I do either one of two things…
A) Find books that contain the words my child has learned, preferably at the library first. Or…
B) Make books of my own. All you need is some page protectors and some of those rings. Even index cards and rings. I know just recently I wrote some small books on index cards for my daughter, and just hole punched them and added a couple of rings. She loves them because she can read those words without any struggle.

Lolobride and tracyR4, may i know how to make the flash card? show the word first then followed by showing picture at the back? what is the dimension of the flash card? i saw doman method need card larger than A4 size paper.


Have you downloaded the free trial of LR yet? It’s really the easiest for printing flash cards, either in full size pages or half size (standard computer paper). Highly recommend checking it out if you have not already.



Thank you so much for your answers! I’ve tried to make books, but she can only read “sentences” with no more then 2 words. If I put 3 words on a page (and I know, she can easily read every one of them), she is just blocked and doesn’t know, how to read them…

Have you had similar experiences? Maybe it is too early to start with books?