Question about Breast Feeding

I am a new mother, with a 3 months baby girl.

The first 1.5 months she drink formula milk sometimes mix with breastmilk.
Currently she is almost 95% on breastmilk.

Question is, if I am sick, shall I continue breastfeeding?

Recently I had flu & cought, and my baby got infected now, she got a bad flu & cought. :ohmy:
sad sad :frowning:

Any experience mothers, I wish to hear more from you.

Janek of course carry on nursing . it is the best you can help your daughter recover . she needs the breast now more than anytime . if you allow her you might see that she won’t let go . babies know what is good for them , formula and cow milk is actually not recommended when you have mucus and cold . she will be taking all the good antibodies from your milk and increase her immunity .
use breastfeeding as an opportunity for you and her to just relax lying down , you need it too if you have the flu .

hope you both feel better soon .

I was nursing my child while having flu as well. I just put the gauze bandage on and went on breastfeeding. Half a year ago I had food poisoning with all the most pleasant symptoms but I kept on nursing my baby though I could not eat anything myself. I felt like a dying hero giving the last drops of milk to the dearest person in the world lol. I was afraid that she might have stomach problems herself. But my doctor advised me to keep on nursing so I did becuase at that time my daughter preferred my milk to any other food (actually I am glad she did).
So dear Janec, go on breastfeeding your baby and stay healthy both of you! :slight_smile:

Yep, they are right. Don’t stop! Breast milk produces antibodies to protect your baby from illness. Also, germs are not transmitted in breast milk. So if your baby gets sick, it’s only because she has been exposed to the virus in your house or from being around you, not breastfeeding.

Thx for the great info.

Well, what I am worrying now is my baby drink less then before.
Like 50% lesser. :frowning:

What do you mean by she is drinking less? Is she just spending less time on the breast? If she is sick, it may be because she does not feel well. In any case, try to feed her often for as long as she wants. Also try to feed her with both breasts every feeding.

I dint feed her direct, only via pump.

So via bottle, i can monitor how much she drink each time. For the pass 3 days, since she sick, she sleep more & drink less. Which my husband & I started to worry.

Although we had send her to doctor, we didn’t let her drink the medicine often, but today her cough seem getting worst, we gonna let her drink. :frowning:

Most people have a decreased appetite when they are sick, so that’s probably why she is eating less. Just keep feeding her often, even if she only eats a little at each meal. Her appetite should slowly get back to normal once she starts getting better. If not, I would ask the doctor.

They’re right - it is even more important to breast feed when baby (or other family members) is sick. The more breast milk she gets the more protection she gets from illnesses.

It is not surprising that she is drinking less. We often eat less when we are sick too, although I would offer her milk more often.

It always seems worse when a child of this age is sick. Trust your mommy instinct though, if she is getting worse & you are concerned you can always take her back to the Dr.


Though Doctors recommends that breast feedings must be done atleast for 6 months.

However they never ask to stop that period, the mothers feed developes immunity and resistance in the child. In my view one should continue breast feeding for two years and atleast once a day after a year of birth of child.


Yaa thats true i just stopped BF to son .He is 28 mnths old.
