Quantum speed reading


I want to teach my children this, but I’m venturing through fairly unchartered territory. Any constructive thoughts, especialky on how to proceed, would be appreciated. Thanks!

Contact Shen Li through the forum I believe she is doing this with her two boys

Here’s an interesting tidbit for you if you have not already read this. Also, I am going to move this to the Teaching Other Topics board for you.

  • RE: Quantum Speed Reading
    By Makoto Shichida

In ancient civilizations right brain activity was well developed. The ancient people lacked telephones, radar, cars and other forms of technology. Despite this limitation they could, by the use of higher senses, bridge the limitations of distance. Modern man is predominantly left brained; we use language and sequential learning to acquire knowledge. This is a tedious lengthy process. Left-brain based education clouds right-brain activity and the resultant student frustration contributes to dissatisfaction in the classroom.

Doctors and scientists became aware of the right brain through the emergence of people with ‘Savants’ syndrome. These people had tremendous memorization skills, generally termed photographic memory. Their ability to calculate complex equations was almost instant and correct. In short, they saw the world in terms of images and patterns. This is the domain of the right brain.

Far from being unique, we all possess these abilities. At birth, our right brain is fully activated. Mothers and fathers can communicate with their offspring via telepathy. How often have you seen a tense mother with a screaming baby? As the mother calms down, loves and caresses her child harmony is restored. Up to the age of six years, this ability is present. If not stimulated the ability will diminish and become dormant (dormant not extinct).

Children learn much faster than we formerly imagined. By nature, they are very in tune with life around them. Children are very spiritual; the advice coming from a young set of lips often shows wisdom beyond their years. Using a simple series of steps: meditation, breathing and imaging; the right brain is progressively activated to reveal potential previously thought impossible.

Although early training is optimal, it is never too late to awaken these abilities in oneself. The area in the right frontal lobe, previously thought to be a silent area, is the area where these wonderful abilities reside. When using Quantum Speed Reading, brain topography shows an increase in the theta brain wave activity, in this so called silent zone. This type of brain wave is appropriate for study.

Unique Functions of the Right Brain
The functions of the right brain include; ESP or the higher senses of sight, hearing, smell taste and touch, right brain sensory perception (holistic mind), right brain arithmetic, right brain memory and right brain acoustic pitch (perfect pitch).Right brain memory is in image form and long lasting and right brain thoughts come as inspirations.This half of the brain has the following unique faculties; resonance function, imaging/ visualisation function, high-speed mass memorization and high speed automatic processing function.

QSR (Quantum Speed Reading) Technique
Using a simple series of steps: meditation, breathing and imaging; the right brain is progressively activated. Clear imaging powers must be present before the next step is taken. Once children are able to form and hold steady images, they begin to flip rapidly through books.
QSR is one of the child’s natural talents or abilities. This is done by rapidly flipping through the pages of a book. No emphasis is placed on reading the written word. The vibrations coming from the book are perceived and converted into colours and then images. The images can be seen and the content instantly understood. It is like the analogy of the blind man and the elephant. A sighted man can instantly see and know that it is an elephant before him. A blind man must painstakingly feel, smell and sense to reach the same conclusion.

The right brain processes information at high speed, allowing the words to become images and images to join and become pictures. Resonance is a right brain function, i.e. the ability to communicate information in a universal way. Language of the text thus becomes irrelevant. The colours emanating from the book reflect the level of comprehension. Red through to yellow indicates poor levels of comprehension. The child may not have come across the concept yet and so can’t comprehend it. Green through to purple indicate good comprehension. White light indicates universal understanding i.e. the need for co-operation and friendship in society.

I have looked into it but it does appear there are no easy to find step by step instructions. Read the quantum speed reading book. I havnt yet but will. I have been told it gives you clues but not instructions. Does anyone know if this is true?
I decided to start this year with eye training excersizes to encourage speed reading abilities…at least these come with easy instructions and still get the same results…book knowledge fast! Plus as a bonus photographic memory potential.
Would be great to hear what you learn. I will share any new info I find.


I am interested in the eye training exercises for speed reading. Can anyone give me some tips / suggestions?

Thank you and have a lovely day!


I am starting with a home made vesion of the mandala colour training exercise. Whereby you flash a three or four (red, blue, yellow, green in bold primary colours) coloured picture for two seconds and then have your child close their eyes, picture the image and then colour the black and white version you gave them. Obviously to do the excersise you need a black and white out line of your picture as well as a colour picture the same size. With regular practice your child should be able to get a clear colour picture in their head! Then you increase the complexity of the images you offer. They dont need to fully colour it in just a dash to show where each colour belongs then compare to the colour picture.
Here is a useful link www.homeeducation.sg/printable-mandalas which gives you a few free images, an idea of what you need and access to a purchasable book. Personally I have an app on my ipad called “wonderkids” ( yep its free!) that has everything I need I just take a photo of the screen shot and print both outline and coloured, in colours of my choice. If you look on the website you will find videos demonstrating how its done.
Also once the mandala/picture has been used for this excersize you can use the coloured picture to practice visualising shapes and colours. You hold it up on a neutral back ground, stare at it for a while then close your eyes. In the beginning you may just see a shape then after a while you will see the shape with colours but opposite to the colour wheel, eventually you will be able to clearly see the colour and detail to the point that you can memorise a page of text!!! Cool!
Also try
The eye training exercises that involve following a line as quickly as possible to form a shape of some sort eg a large star. I cant find the link but I know a Brill kids Blogger mum has it ? easy to make a t home Draw a large star on 30 by 30 paper and have child follow the outline quickly with eyes only. Then try other shapes.
Here is a follow the dot excersize (well its a ball) These type are supposed to help with speed reading www.eyecanlearn.com_ball.htm
Using Tangram puzzles help with visualisation skills (future engineers?)
And dont forget Stereograms (those magic eye 3D puzzels) I have no idea what they do for the eyes but every where I reseached recommended them, plus they are kind of fun!
The memory game where you put out three cards turn them over and have your child remember the cards in order is useful. You add cards as they get it right, but I think I will pay for some memory linking program for that one so they learn the silly sentances to help (more fun too that way)
I probably have more I did write a list but this is where I intend to start. I also want my kids to start actively visualising future events (in a positive way) to build their visualisation ability, this is the foundation for photographic memory. Basically the idea is to improve their ability to “see” images in their mind then build on that until they gain photographic memory. Phew long post! lol hope this helps!

i don’t know why i’m just now seeing these last replies, but thank you for all the comments and links!

I must protest the reference cited by Shichida, not the person who posted it just the path it proposes…

" Modern man is predominantly left brained; we use language and sequential learning to acquire knowledge. This is a tedious lengthy process. Left-brain based education clouds right-brain activity and the resultant student frustration contributes to dissatisfaction in the classroom."

This is typical right-brain worship and it is predominant in the methods used in traditional education in the public schools which often demonize left-brain processes and exalt right-brain learning. Left brain processing is equally crucial to thinking, reading, and learning as right brain processing. If we changed the quotation to demonize the use of the right arm would it make sense to you to chop off your child’s right arm? Why would you want to excise half of your child’s brain then? If you think right-brain worship is the way to go just look at what it has done to public school achievement.

To continue, “Doctors and scientists became aware of the right brain through the emergence of people with ‘Savants’ syndrome. These people had tremendous memorization skills, generally termed photographic memory. Their ability to calculate complex equations was almost instant and correct. In short, they saw the world in terms of images and patterns. This is the domain of the right brain.”

Savants are often extremely left-brained quite adept at memorizing bits of information or doing incredible calculations but less facile at putting the pieces of the puzzle together in a right-brained way. I have done extensive study of savants over the years to glean their methods. Many are quite unbalanced being intellectually compartmentalized in one area of skill or another. Right brain processing would link up the information to allow higher order thinking to emerge from the foundation of facts learned. Both the foundation of left-brain facts and the tip of the pyramid of right-brain higher order thinking are essential.

Speed Reading is a great example. Almost all extant methods will tell you to stop subvocalizing that this is a “bad” reading habit that adversely affects your reading. This despite a mountain of data thqt early systematic phonics is the most effective way to teach reading. Subvocalizing is hardwired into the nervous system, unless you are deaf. By subvocalizing the words you access the sense of the word which is stored in your memory along with the sound of the word. The sound and sense are linked in memory, find the one and you find the other. A fair amount of experimental research has been done linking the sound and sense together. Apparently you literally cannot avoid subvocalizing a word to access its meaning. What you can do is sublimate the process so that you are no longer aware of it.

I developed Speed Reading materials in a project with World Book Encyclopedia. We computer enhanced the spoken text of a story by taking out every other bit of sound which made it much more comprehensible at high speed. Listeners who followed the text and speeded speech made incredible and immediate gains in their reading speed within minutes. On average more than 100 wpm gain in speed even when reading material unassisted after the brief training. Students who continued practice with the speeded speech increased their speed even more, generally two or three times what their beginning rate was and maintained that ability longterm. Keep in mind that is only the first level of speed reading not the final outcome. Later one learns to abstract information from the text without reading every word. Abstracting information is a right-brained skill, with the mastery of that skill speed can be practically unlimited. Two halves of the brain are better than one.

I have done the subvocalization experiment with many hundreds of readers by now. I have the data if you are interested. This proves that working with the way the brain actually works, training the brain to speed up the subvocalization process, produces results far superior to forcing the brain to sublimate sounding out. Sounding out is very left-brained. Absorbing knowledge from reading at a high rate of speed is very right-brained. Please resist those who say you should throw away half your brain.

Yes I like my logical left brain so I think I shall keep it :slight_smile: it gets ALOT of work done for me!
Well I am sure I speak for more than just me when I say YES we are interested :slight_smile:
So to be clear are you saying that we can’t turn off our subvocalising, or that we shouldn’t, or that we can only make it subconscious? I know I clearly sub vocalize and I know it slows me down, my reading ability is faster than my subvocalising but I have never attempted any speed reading training. So what is the next step for an adult to take?
Also how much of the work you did would be useful to those of us with kids reading at say a 3rd to 5th grade level?
Back to the original post…speed reading is a precursor to quantum speed reading although no one seems to have made a strait line program to get there…including schnider I would say, although perhaps in his actual classes the line is a bit less abstract.


Actually reading at a 3-5 grade level is the point at which speed reading should be introduced. By this time they have mastered and automatized their basic reading skills and are ready to expand them. They don’t have to be 3rd to 5th grade age just at that ability level. Yes, when you read you subvocalize. It is a fact. That need not slow you down. We train the brain to speed up the subvocalization process which works marvelously. We do this by practicing following text accompanied by speeded speech. Then we teach how to abstract information from a text without reading every word. This takes some practice and a high level of comprehension. If I highlighted the most relevant parts of a book for you then you could read it much faster with a high level of understanding. That is the basic idea behind speed reading.

That is actually a good topic for an online seminar. I am starting to give these free seminars and usually put together a free eBook about the topic to go with it to give to the participants. I have two scheduled right now. Friday March 22 from 1-2 pm CST we are doing “Formula for Guaranteed Success in any Subject”. Great insight into what guarantees learning.

The following Friday March 29 from 1-2 pm CST I am doing “Natural Memory Versus Trained Memory”. You can memorize large amounts of information. I go over the various systems and their pros and cons and how to get started. If you want to register for either of these call 817 718 8822 or email chris@jonesgeniuses.com. There is no charge for the seminar or the eBook.

Speed Reading sounds like a really good topic to do after that. What do you think? I like topics where, in an hour, you can definitely give parents something they can implement.

Well I would love to hear one on speed reading…especially if it actually taught me something I could actually use! I am sure you will get plenty of interest from this forum for that one!
Thanks in advance!

I am very interested in the Speed reading seminar as well. I saw that you offer a curriculum in Speed Reading, and you use the speeded speech right? I have tried for years not to subvocalize, but I can’t. It feels unnatural. Now that you have explained speeded text, your curriculum makes sense. I was just wondering if one is familiar with the text you use if that will hinder or help them in using your curriculum (I happen to love “The Hobbit”)…sorry if this is off topic.

I also agree with Dr. Jones that too much emphasis is being placed on the right brain, and we shouldn’t fear introducing certain ideas and knowledge to our children because they are too left brain. The brain is highly plastic from birth until death. One can continue learning and developing the mind, and no matter what someone believes you are always using both sides of the brain all day long no matter what. I think too often this “fear” is merely being played upon eager and loving parents in order to get them to buy their products right now. Does your child benefit from all this wonderful activity? Surely, but if you missed the first six months or the first five years, you didn’t miss the boat and neither did your child/children. Your children aren’t destined for stupidity or lifetime of average. It might be harder work if wait until they are sixteen, but it can still be done if one creates the environment and the desire.

To get back to “Quantum Speed Reading,” Someone (I forgot whom) explained it very well (well, I think it was a post on Shen Li’s blog.) I get the idea of it, but its beyond my own knowledge and resources. I will tell you that since I have created and used my own photo eye play (It doesn’t appear to be rocket science to put a contrasting picture slides together), I have noticed stronger full color images in my mind when I close my eyes. I even use Mandala activities using powerpoints. I like this because after each Mandala I place a black slide after it. The black side helps you see the after image without closing your eyes. I find this interesting. I don’t full understand it. I can find any real data or science behind it. It seems the “right brain” individuals prefer to keep it “mystical.” I of course being both left and right brained (hahahaha) would like the facts and science.

Posted by a mom attending the class: The Shichida method is a full brain programme. The lesson is one hour. First half an hour is right brain training then follow by left brain training.

I developed Speed Reading materials in a project with World Book Encyclopedia. We computer enhanced the spoken text of a story by taking out every other bit of sound which made it much more comprehensible at high speed. Listeners who followed the text and speeded speech made incredible and immediate gains in their reading speed within minutes.

Sounds similar to Shichida Methods. As posted by the same Mom attending classes with her 1 year old. On speed reading she posted-

"A 5 page 'book' was given to us and we flip to the page when the audio is on. All are one sentence per page story. First play in normal speed follow by 2x speed."

Elsewhere online, people mention listening to the stories in 4x speed as well

"One of the way outlined in the book to learn 1500 English words in a week is:
  • the ears listen to the CD using 2x – 4x speed

  • the eyes look at each of the words following the speed of the CD

  • the mouth recite the words as fast as the CD.

  • do not have other thoughts like “I must remember this” in your mind when doing this practise, just keep on repeating, reciting aloud the words, focusing on the words"

Sources: http://forum.brillkids.com/general-discussion-b5/shichida-1-year-old-class/?wap2 & http://zilingyuying.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/right-brain-vs-left-brain-in-the-context-of-learning-languages-continued/

I have done the subvocalization experiment with many hundreds of readers by now. I have the data if you are interested. This proves that working with the way the brain actually works, training the brain to speed up the subvocalization process, produces results far superior to forcing the brain to sublimate sounding out. Sounding out is very left-brained. Absorbing knowledge from reading at a high rate of speed is very right-brained. Please resist those who say you should throw away half your brain.

If Shichida classes are encouraging mouthing the words quickly, sub-vocalization is not discouraged in their standard speed reading training. Rather, sub-vocalization and reading the words altogether are irrelevant in Quantum speed reading training that were borne out of Shichida methods. It is a matter of personal decision as to how much people believe this sort of thing works by means of heightened sensory perception, but the words and even the language is irrelevant with QSR as it works solely on picking up the energy through “fanning” the book. These ideas are not for everyone, but I think nearly all ideas are worth investigating before discarding. On the flipside, there is a similar blindfolded-reading training center in Russia that was deemed a fraud as shown by an investigative journalist. It’s also on Youtube.


TMT has it right - Shichida, Heguru, Right brain education is not only about right brain but “whole brain”. I guess it is called right brain because they feel there is not enough focus on developing the right brain since our schools are too “left brain” driven.

There was another video on “wave reading” or quantum speed reading on youtube before but I can’t find it any more. It is a Japanese program which featured children performing a variety of skills including wave reading. They showed the children fanning a book for a period of time and after, they ask the children to write out what they read from the book within a set period of time. The interviewer picks one at random and is astounded. Then he asks the boy if he can remember more than what he wrote on the piece of paper and the boy continues the story.

There was also a woman featured in that video and I recognise her as one of the founders of Heguru - Ruiko Henmi. I met her when she visited our country and remembered her from the video (albeit much older now). When she came to talk to us, she told us that in Japan, they have many students who have mastered wave reading. She has been on numerous talk shows in Japan - you can see the stills from their website (google translation is crappy but it’s better than nothing):


They also had a link to the video on their website before but I can’t remember how I got to it previously.

TMT is right - it isn’t for everyone. To be frank, I was initially very skeptical, but having met Ruiko Henmi, I feel more open to the idea now.

Found it! It’s now been translated to English:


This is the video I was referring to. The part on Quantum Speed Reading starts at frame 4:27.
In frame 5:59 you will see a lady in the background with a high bun. She is Ruiko Henmi - one of the founders of Heguru. This video was obviously taken quite a number of years ago because she looks very young here.

QSR is another example of pseudoscience-complete nonsense.

The easiest way to increase your reading speed is to use your finger as a guide and pacer. Reading too quickly has an adverse effect on comprehension; world champion speed reading contestants can read between 1000 and 2000 words per minute with around 50% comprehension.

An interesting article from Slate magazine
Nobody reads much faster than 400 words per minute. http://www.slate.com/articles/briefing/articles/2000/02/the_1000word_dash.html


Nobody reads much faster than 400 words per minute! Red rag to a bull! Lol sounds like a challenge for our super kids to me! Now I shall read the article at least… :wink: