Protecting the Gift: Keeping Children Safe and Parents Sane by Gavin de Becker

Dear All,

A few months ago, my mom sent me an e-mail with safety tips from crime, and I remembered a book by a world-renowned anthropologist, Dr. Givens, entitled Crime Signals: How to Spot a Criminal Before You Become a Victim.

After reading it and several other body language books, author Gavin de Becker was referenced often. So, I had to check him out his work - and am I glad that I did!

Gavin de Becker Bio

What Others Say About Gavin de Becker

He wrote an incredibly fascinating book, entitled Protecting the Gift: Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe and Parents Sane, after writing The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence, and both are completely and totally engrossing.

I highly recommend that everyone here read both books to learn how to protect yourself and your children, insha’Allah (God willing). One description is below:

In Gavin de Becker’s book, “PROTECTING THE GIFT,” he shares his remarkable insight into human behavior, providing a fascinating look at how human predators work and how they select their targets and, most importantly, how parents can protect their children. He offers the comforting knowledge that, like every creature on earth, human beings can predict violent behavior. Available from .

And in the resources section are so many beneficial organizations, among them:

KIDPOWER TEENPOWER FULLPOWER International is a charitable educational organization that teaches people of all ages and abilities to use their power to stay safe, act wisely and believe in themselves. KIDPOWER prepares children, teens, and adults to protect themselves through personal safety workshops that emphasize success-based practice. KIDPOWER has brought education and training to over a million children, teenagers, and adults around the world. There is a wealth of information on their website including an extensive library of free articles, cartoon-illustrated educational materials for sale, training manuals, and a free monthly e-newsletter. Their most recent publication, the 600-page KIDPOWER Book for Caring Adults, provides outstanding information for parents, teachers, and other caregivers on teaching personal safety skills to young people in ways that are empowering and effective. KIDPOWER has an exceptional track record in the fields of personal safety and violence prevention.

Please check out his site, read his books, and use the resources.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks for that!