Proof that Doman works?

It seems that as I wander around on the internet I find a fair amount of evidence backing up Glenn Doman’s method. It is kind of suprising that the medical community does not agree with him, yet keeps publishing studies such as this one:

Thanks for posting this! It’s great to see things like this in scientific literature that supports the things Doman teaches. Very informative, karma to you :slight_smile:

My guess is that it less far-fetched for the public to believe that physically fit humans will perform better in tasks in general, as opposed to say, a baby being able to differentiate between 78 and 79 dots on a flash card. :slight_smile:

The other point, I suppose, would be that the study focused on 3-5th graders (8-11 year olds, respectively), whose brains (as well as bodies) would be more more comparable to adults. Given what is commonly understood of babies, it must be hard for many to comprehend how babies will perceive or react to stimuli (both physical and intellectual)! :happy:

shuki :slight_smile:

thanks for posting your article. it was very informative and will be of great help in persuading my doubting in-laws. still, i find it hard to believe when the results are far off and we are not to test. if only my daughter could read off the words that i flash for her, that would make all the difference in the world and give a boost to my mood about teaching.

& thanks to you lizaveta for bumping this post up again. I haven’t looked at that article in a long time & will enjoy reading it again.

I know from experience that it is very difficult to continue on day after day without seeing any progress. We were very careful not test. Before she was 2 my dd started to read words & letters out loud.
It was wonderful to finally be sure that it was actually working. I wasn’t even brave enough to tell anyone at the start! Now at 3.5 years, my dd, who happens to have Down syndrome, is actually reading simple books ( Dick & Jane level books). Keep working at it - your child will amaze you too!

wow! that’s all i can say. thanks for such a motivational reply. i didn’t actually expect anyone to notice my post since it was in answer to your post a long time ago. it’s amazing to hear of your daughter reading at such an early age with her condition to boot. i will definitely try harder to continue with the program.
thanks once more,

Babies are great at surprising us. I was feeling put off because after an amazing start with signing (remembering and using his first sign the very next day with no prompting) we seemed to hit a barrier. He only ever repeated one sign. He still rarely signs anything else, especially without prompting. Then yesterday I was singing ‘incy-wincy spider’ but my hands were busy and I couldn’t sign. He gave me this really odd look and by the second line started signing himself! Not all the signs, but it was obvious what he was doing. And he doesn’t even sign along with me normally!

I’d say that you’ll see results with your daughter’s reading sooner than you expect, at a time you least expect it (though not, perhaps, as soon as you would like to see them)!

Thanks also for bumping the thread, as I had not seen this article before - very interesting!

thanks so much to both of you for such motivating posts. i will continue trying to teach my little one and when some breakthrough arises, i will surely post about it, hopefully motivating someone else in turn.