Proof for an Intelligent Creator and His purpose

According to science our universe has a beginning (search at “age of the universe” on and time is purely physical. Therefore there can be no such thing as time external to the physical universe. Timespace has a beginning.

It is a fundamental law of physics (causality) that every physical occurrence in the universe has a cause.
The fundamental laws of physics then require a cause of the universe ex nihilo (since timespace has a beginning); i.e., a Prime Cause Singularity that is non-dimensional and independent of timespace.

To conclude the above paragraphs:
Fact: No thing nor event in the known universe or laws of physics lacks a cause.
Assume: There is no Prime Cause (Creator / Singularity).
Ergo: There is no universe.
Fact: There is a universe.
Therefore: the statement that was assumed is proven to be a false statement by reduction ad absurdum (proof by disproof).
(Since “There is no Creator” is proven false, the opposite is true: There is a Creator.)

Being logically consistent (orderly), our (to say perfectly-orderly would be a tautology) orderly universe must mirror its Prime Cause / Singularity-Creator—Who must be Orderly; i.e. Perfect. An orderly—“not capricious,” as Einstein put it—Creator (also implying Just), therefore, necessarily had an Intelligent Purpose in creating this universe and us within it and, being Just and Orderly, necessarily placed an explanation, a “Life’s Instruction Manual,” within the reach of His subjects—humankind.

It defies the orderliness (logic / mathematics) of both the universe and Perfection of its Creator to assert that humanity was (contrary to His Tor•âh′ , see below) without any means of rapproachment until millennia after the first couple in recorded history as well as millennia after Abraham, Moses and the prophets. Therefore, the Creator’s “Life’s Instruction Manual” has been available to man at least since the beginning of recorded history. The only enduring document of this kind is the Tor•âh′ —which, interestingly, translates to “Instruction” (not “law” as popularly alleged). (Source and further reading of how to relate to the

The fact that the Creator is perfect implies that He isn’t self-contradictory. Therefore any religion, and all religions contradicts each other (otherwise they would be identical), that contradicts Torah is the antithesis to the Creator.

(The most common counter arguments are answered at

Anders Branderud

Welcome to the Forum, Anders!

How about a little introduction to yourself? :slight_smile:

Hmm, had to read through that a few times to get the straightforward gist of what you were saying. Which I gather is, you are a Jew, and your religion is the only true one. And there is a God. Did I miss anything? Though in your argument if timespace has a beginning, and there is no such thing as not having a beginning…how is God eternal (no beginning/no end)? And if all things are created (have a cause)…how then Is God NOT created (was caused)? (I’m sure I’ve had this discussion many times in my life before, on different sides of the fence…I do believe in God, but I also believe the Old Testament points clearly to Jesus.)
Have you ever read Evidence that demands a verdict (1 and 2) by Josh Mcdowell? You might enjoy it for a bit of light reading.
And I’m not the best most practising Christian in the world, so not out to convert anyone. In fact, I often doubt certain beliefs. i was an athiest once. Then an agnostic, then a christian, then nearly became a Moslem. Then I read “not without my daughter” by betty mahmood and decided against that. Now I’m just an individual that doesnt fit in anywhere. Not christian enough for christians, not non-religious enough for most folks, and not of any other religion to fit in there.

Maybe you answer my questions in your blog…

Ooo my husband and I play this game all the time! We also like to disprove our own existence. He comes up with some very entertaining (and yet perfectly logical) reasons he does not exist (but I do).

It’s a good start, but the flawed assumption you make is which religion is correct. If there is a perfect creator, who made humans flawed (which is pretty obvious we are!) then giving us any sort of instructions would need to be done in a way that no one person alone held God’s word. As a flawed being that would surely corrupt the word long before it could be spread! So then, being perfect, and knowing humans are flawed, God must have divided his word among many people to pass on, so no one could corrupt it. The “right” religion then, is where all religions intersect. All the other rules and rites can be assumed as corruption of the original message.

Or alternately there is many more dimensions to the universe that humans cannot perceive, and there is a logical cause for all things.

The latter, of course, being much less fun to play with and a much more complicated study of physics!

Our intuitive sense of cause and effect breaks down at the quantum level. The usual rules of cause and effect are suspended and replaced by a sort of anarchy, and things happen for no apparent reason. Particles of matter may simply pop into existence without warning, and then equally abruptly disappear again.

Richard Feynman on doubt, uncertainty and religion: