pronouns - teaching me and you and I

So, my son is very good at speaking. A recent sentence that I appreciated was “there are two yellow school buses on the left.”

His issue is with the pronouns “me” “you” and “I.” He says “you” when he should say “me” because I always refer to him as “you.” I’m finding it hard when it is just the two of us for me to explain it without it being a complicated mess of “you” and “me.”

Sometimes I say “you should say: I want the apple instead of you want the apple” but I wouldn’t want someone constantly correcting me so I don’t know if that is the best way.

He isn’t 2 yet, so I’m not worried that he will never get this, but he can speak so well that I don’t know why this is a tough one. Any good ideas on how to help him with this? I’m trying how to make this into a presentation but I haven’t figured that out yet.

The class I take my grandson to, they teach a good morning song similar to this:

Class: Good morning (child’s name) Good morning how are you?
Child: I’m fine, I’m fine and I hope that you are too.

You (point to them) . I’m fine you pat your chest.

I think this teaches I and you. Try doing something like this every morning. They do it as a song and you have them do it too. So I they hit their chest adn you they point to you.

Thanks, I will give it a try starting this morning.

I taught him a little ditty: “I am me (I point at my chest) and you are you (I point at his chest)…now you say it!” Then he repeats back the words, and I help him point to his chest and then to me. I also put him in front of a mirror and said, “Who’s that?” and had him say, “That’s me!”

It just takes a lot of practice I think! He didn’t have his pronouns down until well past 24 months…and proficiency came and went.

Thanks DadDude. I will give that a try as well.