promotng self-esteem

I believe promoting self-esteem in our children is one of the most important jobs parents have. What do you do to promote self-esteem in your children and in yourself? I saw this image today and thought the quote was one of the most beautiful things you could tell our children and ourselves. I tried to post the picture here but was unable, I will put it in my profile if you want to see it. Anyway, the quote was “Everything you need to be amazing is already inside you”

I try to give my daughter as much opportunities to explore by herself as possible. I took this idea from Montessori. The was already discussion on this forum
that letting your child to be independent and teach him to do things by himself, does wonders to his self-esttem.

That’s a great quote blueeyedbaby. It’s relevant to children and adults so I think I might steal it for my fridge.

My two-year old loves to have jobs to do around the house just like her mommy. When I let her know what a good job she did she gives me the biggest smiles. i also think hanging up artwork is so important in showing children how much you appreciate what they can do.

Blueeyedbaby - thanks for this post. Its something I have been thinking about over the past few weeks…

I have two children - my daughter gets a lot of attention because of her blue eyes (rare for an Indian baby). Most people seem to be unaware that my son is listening to their comments and I’ve found my son is now very conscious about how he looks (at age 2!). He has often pretended he has blue eyes! I’ve tried to tell him he is beautiful, but ideally I would rather not put too much emphasis on looks and have the children be grateful for what God has given them. Any suggestions on how to deal with this are welcome.

Really a nice quote and one to reflect about. I use to say that my grandson is amazing but WE ALL ARE AMAZING including myself. We just have to see inside ourselves and will see you right it is. As, want to use soreace?
Thanks for sharing that quote, definitely mentioning it to our kids (no matter what age) will bring the best of them and promote their self esteem.
Karma to you.

Hello Blueeyedbaby,
What a beautiful quote I am going to make that one of the sentences I teach my son to read.

Hello km276,
I know you can not control what comments people you do not know say to your children but maybe you could let your family members and close friends know that you would really appreciate a matching comments towards your son’s features. Self image has been an issue amongst young adults for a long time.

Take Care

I find it extremely important to try to build my daughters self-esteem, I try to tell her how wonderful she is but then I think that you shouldn’t have to tell them that to give them self-esteem. Self esteem comes from within not from others. You must be proud of yourself versus others being proud of you. I found this other Post really interesting’s-part-learning/msg68188/?topicseen#new I think that letting your child do things themselves even if it is a stuggle gives them self esteem. It is always nice to tell your child how beautiful and wonderful they are and I wouldn’t stop doing that. Although, Beauty along with other things do not last forever and it is not the most important thing. Teaching your child to be proud of themselves is the best way to help them gain self-esteem. In my very humble opinion.

BTW I copied the quote to my signature…I want to remember to teach it to my daughter. It is a beautiful quote.

Blueyedbaby I like that you asked how we can promote self esteem in ourselves as well as our children. Kids learn so much from our example. As we increase our own self esteem they will understand better what it is and how to have it. It is a difficult thing to teach because it does have to come from within. I believe that slf esteem like all good things is a gift from God. The coser I am to God the more self esteem I have because I understand that He created me with everything I need to be amazing as the quote says. I hope I can pass that on to my children.