Problems with Doman crawling

Wondering if anyone has had problems when introducing Doman exercises. I have finally (after years of considering) started introducing a Doman program with my daughter (8 yrs with autism). After reading How Smart is your Baby again I decided to start with crawling (commando/belly) each day as even though she is walking she Never crawled properly (always dragged one side). So after 2months her crawling is slightly improving but her sleep was rapidly deteriorating to the point where she was awake most days from about 1am. Finally connected this to crawling and stopped and she is not back to normal completely but is at least sleeping until around 5 or so (except on the couple of days that I had her crawl again to test my theory).
So, firstly, why? Too much stimulation? Changes in the brain?
Secondly, what to do? Start off much slower (we were doing 4laps of our hall which is probably about 15metres/45feet or less)? Maybe we should start with one lap? Start with just spending time laying on the floor? Start with cross patterning?
Any insights would be appreciated.

Hmmm…that is interesting. How late in the day are you having her crawl? Research shows that no one should exercise within three hours of bedtime, because it disturbs the sleep.

Usually in the morning. I don’t know that we would ever have done later than afternoon. Thanks.

Hi …1st we should understand that the crawling is not a strain to the toddlers or new born babies,and it’s not that we r giving more stimulation for them,as it is their natural activity ,only the thing is we should just give them the opportunity to crawl but if the babies are crying more or feeling uncomfortable,then pls stop.

We should give crawling only when they are happy and relaxed,as we r a regular trainers in Hyd for the new born babies from 1st day till they stay in hospital.New born babies are really enjoying these sessions as well as the mothers also.

We are really getting a great response from the parents…If u know more abt these activities pls suggest me

Jessy naidu,
Joy of pregnancy.