Problem with couplets

I started showing my girl (16 months) single words an now we are almost at 100 words. I also teach English with YBCR/GD combination and Math.
I would like te add the next step of couplets.
My native language is dutch and this is what I teach her. The problem with the modifying words in Dutch is they change when used in couplets, like the word for ‘grey’ in combination with ‘elephant’: “grijs” to “grijze olifant”

And when I want to go to the next step of phrases I encounter a similar problem. Adding the word ‘is’ between a name and action word would not be correct in Dutch. To make a correct phrase I would have to add “is aan het”.

Has anyone had the same problem in Dutch or any other language? How did you solve this?

Hi Liselott,

Keep in mind that language doesn’t always follow logical rules, and learning to read, especially at a young age, is not a logical process. Forming couplets out of two known words is a great way of starting to demonstrate to a child how written language works, your daughter will now be introduced to this concept through the English couplets and see many other examples of this throughout her learning journey in both Dutch and English, even if translating these particular English couplets don’t have the same effect in Dutch (seeing it in English will be enough, it’s teaching a universal concept.) I would still introduce the Dutch translations in any case as they will be focusing her attention on how the form of the word changes and she will still partially recognize the words from words you’ve introduced earlier, all aiding her in her language and literacy development.

When it comes to phrases, the main idea is to have some of the phrase familiar, it doesn’t really matter which part of the phrase is “new” (adding something in between, at the beginning or end, or all 3.) I think the main focus should be to keep the phrase as short as possible, it need not be a full sentence, and initially try for consistent sentences (for instance the entire set starts with “I see a”) If I were you I would go through other sets and stories in the English categories, play around a bit with translations (which need not be exact translations as long as they still match the pictures) and introduce the simplest Dutch translation set first.

At the end of the day, all and any exposure helps your little one. Most early learning kids I know of got to reading fluency through a rather random process, which makes me feel like Doman’s systematic approach is almost pointless. I’m not saying you should not have a program and that you should not introduce reading cards progressively, I’m just trying to say that it’s not an exact science and you should not stress too much about the little technicalities.

Teaching two languages, reading and math at 16 months old, I’d say you guys are doing fantastic! All the best and keep up the good work!

Hi Liselott, Congratulations on making it to 100 words! That’s an accomplishment! I agree with MamaofWill. Don’t worry. :slight_smile: I understand wanting to do it the right way, but it won’t cause any complications to show the change in the couplets. I am sure when you speak to her you are not worried about this confusing her in spoken language. So, trust that she will not be confused in written language either. If anything, it will help her to learn the rules of your language quicker and she will be all the more ready to understand what you say and say it herself when she is ready.

It might help her to highlight the parts of the words that are the same with text color. Maybe something like “grijs” and “grijze olifant” I don’t think she will be confused if you don’t. Babies just accept what you say and show them without asking questions! But, it might help her to recognize the patterns of the language sooner.

Thank you both. I wil just make the couplets with the spelling change.

This week I saw her point to the correct body parts and do the right signs before the words were spoken on the YBCR! (English) video’s. So she is making visible progress.

That’s fantastic progress Liselott!! She’s doing lovely!