Problem Solving Glenn Domain

Hi I attended the IHAP course… but due to the a uexpected, joyous edition to our family I never attended the graduate program… can someone go over problem solving tips so that your child is always right…



Sounds interesting…

What does that mean?

Hi Mandi

I love doing problem solving sessions with my daughter. This is how i do with her as suggested by Glen Doman

A simple Problem Solving (PS inshort) session would be as below

Eg, if you want to do PS sessions on DOT Cards, this is what i do.

  1. Hold up two dot cards. Lets say you choose Dot cards 30 and 12
  2. When you hold them up to them or you put them on the table/floor which ever you feel comfortable showing them
  3. You just ask them “Which is thirty?”
    This is a good opportunity for your baby to look or touch the card, if he wishes to do so.
    If your baby looks at the card or touches the card which has “thirty” dots on it, then you know that your child knows “thirty”
    But incase if he looks or touches another dot card say “tweleve”
    Then you just say “This is Thirty” by showing your child the card and then say this is “tweleve” by then showing the “tweleve” dot card
    In this way, you are happy and relaxed, knowing that you showed him what is thirty and twelve giving him another opportunity to learn.

However, if your child does not respond to what you asked, then hold the card with “thirity”
dots closer to him and say “this is thirty, isnt it?” again in a happy and relaxed way

According to Glen, no matter how your child repsonds, he wins and so do you because the chances are good that if you are happy and relaxed he will enjoy doing this PS with again.
He suggest that PS opportunities should be put at the end of the equation sessions which creates a nice balance of give and take to session since each session begins with you giving 3 opportunity for your child to solve one equation if he wishes to do so.

What he also says, that giving your child an opportunity to choose one number from another is all right to begin with but you should very shortly move on to opportunities to choose answers to do equations

He quotes that “Dont ask your child to say answers always give him a choice of two possible answers” He also says that “Remember that you are not trying to teach your child to talk, you are teaching him mathematics and that your child will find choosing to be alot more fun and that he will get irritated quickly if you demand speech as they dont like to be tested”.

Hence in short PS sessions should be fun and relaxing irrespective your child gives a right answer or not. I follow this ground rule whenever i teach my child.

Thank you so much… gonna try it today!!!

Karma thanks

Thanks Mandi
I am glad you liked it

thanks judy.

have you attended the course?
any idea how i would ps using little maths beta. do i need to print them out to show my son or is there another way?
i have dot cards but i am so used to little maths that i havent used my dot cards since.

will the fact that there are different icons on screen and red dots on the card make a difference as to how my son percieves the quantity?

will he be able to tell the quantity on card? i dont want to feel dissapointed so i havent tested him in any way.

i must say though the reading is amazing. my baby is reading so many words. today i downloaded a file on animals. the first one was an elephant and the man took a little long to say the word. when my son sees it he waits and the says “eleph” and then the man says it. i dont remember teaching him elephant. i hope he learnt it from a story.

Hi Fatima
I didnt do a course, i just bought all of Glen’s books and started to read them when i was pregnant in my second trimister. Hence i had ample of time , to understand the teachings of Glens progam and to prepare my material.

Infact I use little reader to teach maths /numbers as its faster. And i use my dot cards materials to do my problem solving session.

The only reason why Glen recomends red dots of certain size is because the dots are simple and not distractful unlike showing cars / teddybears where your child might focus more on the pictures than the quantity itself. And also for another reason small babies can see better in red colour of certain size, that’s why he recomends using red colour on word cards and then gradually move to black colour.

Regarding the icons in little math reader i normally would use them on older children since icons are pretty small. I dont think showing red dots / or other icons would make a difference understanding quantity. Your children can learn quantitly even when counting / sorting blocks, hence there is no difference no matter what you show.

About whether your child can tell a quantity, yes definetly, you need to be consistent in your program and believe that Glens program does work and most important of all you need to trust your child and believe in him because you have been teaching your child with so much of love and patience. Every mother worries this, but believe me as you do this program, your son will surprise you one day.

Hi all…

I have been a silent reader of this website and I guess its time for me to participate too.

I have been following the Doman reading program consistently with my 6-month-old baby. We started the program when he was 4-month-old. And yday, my little one gave me a big surprise. When he was sitting with daddy, without any prior plan to do a problem solving session, I just showed him 2 cards and asked him which said “fountain.” He grabbed the correct card and wanted to put it into his mouth. I tried with 7 other different words and shuffling between left and right, and each time he grabbed it right…We were just elated. :smiley: I hope, sincerely hope, that it was no fluke. We didnt want to do it too much, so stopped it at that.

Can anyone tell me how frequently can we do the problem-solving sessions?


I’ve been doing math with my 18 month old son for over two weeks. Few days ago we started doing addition. Since my son is always on the move and is hard for me to keep him still for longer than few seconds I only do one equation 2 x a day. Is this enough to teach him addition in two weeks, should I start doing subtraction after two weeks or will that be too soon?

I’m sure that our babies are smarter then we expect, they seem not to be looking but they know everything somehow :yes: