Problem in teaching Math

Hi, I’m Divya, mother of 23 months old son. I came to know about this website 3 months ago. I started showing many flash cards dowloaded from this site and other sites like childandme, classicalmommy etc., Also I buy some books and he learnt fast and now he’s able to speak many animals, vegetables, friuts, household objects, transpotation etc.,

Also, he’s under potty training and almost trained…

So, I thought of introducing Maths to him…In one of the books I had the counting till ten using fruits & animals.
One day, my husband forced him to repeat the count…(say 1,2,3,4 like that). He said no…
And then onwards…whenever he sees numbers he’s saying no…
So, I started with the GD method of showing dots (1-10) showing a sec each…
But he’s screaming and doesn’t want to see that any more…

I’m annoyed of it…Basically I’m very good at Maths…I want my son to learn Maths…But how?

Also, he’s not showing interest in learning new other presentations and wants to see the old animals, sea creatures, musical instruments (with sound)…and not showing interest in (days of week, months of year, universe, countries…)

Please help!


If you son is screaming and doesn’t want to see if right now, I would recommend just taking a break from math at the moment. Try to introduce it again in a couple of weeks to see how he reacts. Remeber that they key in this whole process is that the baby enjoys it. I personally had to take a break with my daughter from equations. She is fine with the dots, but even though I broke the equations in sets of three, she looses interest very quickly. I’m going to try again in a couple of weeks. I love math too, so I know how you feel, but they will get the love for it because of us if they don’t feel forced to do it.

With the new presentations, I will try to do it at least twice. At he begginig when I tried new DVD’s with my daughter she will fuzz. The second time around she was fine. Just an idea.


I understand the concept of GD. That’s why I stopped when he hesitates to see the dots presentations.

Also, I don’t how to introduce new stuff as he’s stick to his old known stuff and not allowing me to retire the old ones(which he’s familiar…fuzz to see them again and again…)

Anyway, Thanks for your response.

i am always amazed at things i think my dd will never outgrow, forget, never give up on, etc… we get ‘stuck’ on the same book for a week, reading it 400 times a day and just when i think i am going to explode from having to read it again she’ll move on. give your son some time. he’ll find a way to move on to other things on his own time. the hardest part for us as parents also to remember when it comes to things that we are passionate about our subjects is that we have to allow our children to develop those passions (and they will) on their own. keep up your good work and keep positive and he’ll follow along.