private or public school?

I am planing my daughters future(and saving money) I will like to heard about experiences you had in dealing with your kids in public or private school? which do you think is better? have a better education system? better teachers?

Public school usually has lots of swearing, parents who are alcoholics, drug addicts, pokies addicts or just poorly educated and often not interested in education. Those who send their kids to private school tend to have higher education themselves. And expect more from their kids, and more from the teachers and other kids and parents. In Australia the best private schools, in terms of results, seem to be Jewish. We have guides to the schools here, plus write-ups and results in the newspapers after the Year 12 exams are marked. The schools are all rated and compared. If you can keep an eye on that you’ll got a good feel for what schools are good and what arent. And you can even find out what those kids ended up doing the next year…who went to uni, what courses, what trade apprenticeships, what jobs.

My kids go to a reasonably cheap private school, but unfortunately I’m not impressed by the Year 11 and 12 results, or by what the kids do the following year. They have high standards of academia now in younger grades, but ultimately it is only the Years that count for UNi entry that really matter. There’s a lot to consider…I send them to a very christan school to try to reduce the chance of teen pregnancy, smoking etc, because I know most of the parents really care about their kids and have the same goals as I do. The parents want to know who their kids are hanging out with and want to know the parents too.

I put them in a public school when the my oldest was in grade 2. (To save money). My daughter had a birthday party at my house, and the parents dropped their kids off out the front, and waited outside at the end. No-one wanted to meet me, to see if their kids were in a safe environment!! we lasted a few terms there and went back to the private school. Last year I sent the oldest to a public high school. She was bored by the easy-ness of the school. And a female student stabbed another girl there, nearly killing her. (We dont have much access to guns in Australia, so violence in schools tends to be stabbings or bashings). So we are back at the private school. Safer.