Hi there,
have anyone heard anything about this game “Primary games learning club”.I have found it in internet.You can use now a trile version.It is for children between 3-8y.And they have many awards.the describshion of the program seems very nice:
On PrimaryGames Learning Club, children are able to learn at their own pace, rather than at a speed set by administrators or textbook publishers. They are free to move quickly through easy lessons. They can slow down and repeat material that they find challenging and we make sure the activities are exciting enough to make them want to do just that.

Active Learning
On PrimaryGames Learning Club, children learn by doing. For most children, this makes for more personally meaningful learning than the kind gained by filling out endless worksheets. Our users gain an intuitive appreciation of what they are doing, one which can be applied again and again when they reach beyond the facts they have memorized.

Vicarious Experience
On PrimaryGames Learning Club, our interactive learning adventures feature characters who serve as stand-ins for our users. Our characters ask questions that are in children’s minds. They express doubts and confusions that children often feel. As a result, children feel more comfortable when they find lessons difficult which gives them the encouragement to keep trying.

Emergent Literacy
On PrimaryGames Learning Club, reading instruction comes out of a mixture of experiences with written text, both formal (phonics instruction) and informal (seeing signs and labels, and being read stories). The educational principle of emergent literacy asserts that both kinds of exposure are important to beginning readers, and PrimaryGames Learning Club is careful to provide them both.

Every child learns differently.
We want to help them find their own paths to success. PrimaryGames Learning Club is where that journey begins. Join us now and get your child started on the road to success. "

I’d like to find more games learning products. And get feedback from anyone who has used them…I wrote about one here…

so this is the site you mean?

3 kids can go on one subscription (so people with one kid using it might want to band together).

This site looks great for early learning games…

and this site looks fab too…

another great site, and thanks for the info about the club.

I mentioned another site which is for a range of ages and is for general knowledge, great for teaching encyclopedic knowledge, here…