Preschool Sensitivity & Humor = Signs of Giftedness? What's YOUR Definition??

so, in my online research, i keep finding that sensitivity as well as humor are signs of giftedness (eg: old site that i happen to have up now - what do you think? what does giftedness mean to you? and does the label matter to you somehow???

Oh yes thanks for sharing, according to this site an IQ of 125 means you are gifted, all the other sites suggest 130. Thus according to this site I am gifted, woohoo! Lol I am quite sure this will not change my life one little bit! however I will book mark it just to stir up my brother next time national iq test comes on!!! lol

As to the kids well… I do think humor is a pretty good indicator, and perhaps sensitivity but the rest were a bit hit and miss. I say this with some personal knowledge. The hand bag idea was pretty spot on but most gifted kids will insist on carrying their own backpack full of… Experiments!
Parents can know when their child is brighter than average pretty accurately however I think lots of parents claim giftedness to quickly. If a child Is gifted enough that they need adaptions to their life and education their will be no doubt in anyone’s mind as the the fact they are gifted. these kids are constantly curious beyond normal, they dig sooo deep they drive you nuts looking for the answers, which they already know anyway! They are the very high IQ kids. Border line gifted kids can happily remain in regular life, so long as some stimulus is provided daily. A good book, puzzle, craft, encyclopedia, or cooking class will usually cover it.
These kids will be successful in life so long as their delicate self image is held high through childhood and their environment is one of love and compassion. I will add that a “grumpy” teacher can do alot of damage in a year at school to a gifted child so eyes open.
If you are wondering if your child is gifted and are not SURE your child is gifted then overall the test will make no difference. You can assume some mild giftedness and provide extra extention for your child without it. You can mention to the teachers that your child picks things up quickly and could you allow some extention activities in class, but ultimately they will either notice that and do it or deny it and not do it anyway, sadly.
I thought the comment on physically ahead for their age was interesting, thatnwas a trait I had never come across before in the definitions, I think that would be relevant to a fair chunk of gifted kids under age 5. I didn’t agree with the puzzles or chess though.