Preschool Science Resource

Hi All!

I’m in the process of refining my list of skills and concepts I want to expose my son to during this coming year. (I’m going to homeschool - preschool him - to use a term that my IRL friends use.)

Anyway, I’m in the market for some good science resources. I found this on a google search. Its filled with activities for pre-schoolers. I only took a look at a few, but I like how they are laid out with four categories: what is my question?, what do I need?, what do I do? and what is happening? Enjoy and please share if you’ve found other good resources out there.

Oh, and if you have a list of science type goals for your preschooler please feel free to share that, too!
(By goals, I don’t mean things you want him/her to master, purely skills/concepts for you as the parent to remember to expose your child to)


excellent !

Some other really good science experiment resources for home schooling / preping can be found at: