Preschool Prep Pack

Appreciate if there is any feedback on this: Preschool Prep Pack - 4 DVDs (Meet the Letters Meet the Numbers Meet the Shapes Meet the Colors)

Or is it better to invest in Leapfrog DVD? Thanks!

LOVE IT. One of my all time favorite series. I think I have 95% of everything they sell, and Meet the Phonics is due to come out any time. MTSW 1-3 are great too. I really like their MTL flashcards too, they are EXCELLENT. Fairly decent sized, sturdy, wih a big, bold regular letter on one side and a cartoon letter on the other. And I like that they teach Special Case letters like A & G that are shown in many books.

Meet the letters is a lot slower than LF, and only teaches letters (upper & lower) versus letter sounds too, but it’s a lot slower/less busy than LF with no plot. For my babies, I was hesitant to use LF until they were older because it is fast paced and modeled more like a traditional cartoon on TV. (more samples are on their youtube channel, and you can rent the full version for $4 to see if you like it before investing in the full set.)

(towards the end you’ll hear them sing their signature song.

I love them both, LF & PP.

Edited to add: Here’s some more samples from their official channel from LF and their other dvds too.

And here are some free flashcards to download. I cut off the words on the bottom of each and laminated them for a few friends with older kids.

Well, I don’t think there is anymore to add. lol

I have also waited on leapfrog for my baby. Babies don’t really enjoy the plots anyway. But older toddlers will love both. Preschool prep is great for all.

I will say that I’ve thought Meet the Colors was a waste of money. I had hoped that the color names were going to be displayed. It is just the colors with spoken names, and just the “normal” ones. I haven’t found it difficult to teach colors without any special tools. And with little reader, she gets the color names. For us, it was just redundant on an easy skill. --with that said, both my kids happen to really enjoy that one. lol