I just wanted to share this list I found at the World Book site http://www.worldbook.com/wb/Students?curriculum/preschool that has a list of what Preschoolers should know. They also have links for other grade levels. I think it is an interesting starting point.
Preschool Curriculum Guide
- Understands big and little.
- Understands long and short.
- Matches shapes or objects based on size.
Colors and Shapes
- Recognizes and names primary colors.
- Recognizes circles.
- Recognizes rectangles.
- Matches shapes or objects based on shape.
- Copies shapes.
- Counts orally through 10.
- Counts objects in one-to-one correspondence.
- Understands empty and full.
- Understands more and less.
Reading Readiness
- Remembers objects from a given picture.
- Knows what a letter is.
- Has been read to frequently.
- Has been read to daily.
- Looks at books and magazines.
- Recognizes some nursery rhymes.
- Identifies parts of the body.
- Identifies objects that have a functional use.
- Knows common farm and zoo animals.
- Pronounces own first name.
- Pronounces own last name.
- Expresses self verbally.
- Identifies other children by name
- Tells the meaning of simple words.
- Repeats a sentence of 6-8 words.
- Completes incomplete sentence with proper word.
- Has own books.
- Understands that print carries a message.
- Pretends to read.
- Uses left-to-right progression.
- Answers questions about a short story.
- Tells the meaning of words heard in story.
- Looks at pictures and tells a story.
- Identifies own first name in manuscript.
- Prints own first name.
Position and Direction
- Understands up and down.
- Understands in and out.
- Understands front and back.
- Understands over (on) and under.
- Understands top, bottom, middle.
- Understands beside and next to.
- Understands hot and cold.
- Understands fast and slow.
- Understands day and night.
- Knows age and birthday.
Listening and Sequencing
- Follows simple directions.
- Listens to a short story.
- Listens carefully.
- Recognizes common sounds.
- Repeats a sequence of sounds.
- Repeats a sequence of orally given numbers.
- Retells simple stories in sequence.
Motor Skills
- Is able to run.
- Is able to walk a straight line.
- Is able to jump.
- Is able to hop.
- Is able to alternate feet walking down stairs.
- Is able to march.
- Is able to stand on one foot for 5-10 seconds.
- Is able to walk backwards for five feet.
- Is able to throw a ball.
- Pastes objects.
- Claps hands.
- Matches simple objects.
- Touches fingers.
- Able to button a garment.
- Builds with blocks.
- Completes simple puzzles
(5 pieces or less). - Draws and colors beyond
- a simple scribble.
- Able to zip a zipper.
- Controls pencil and crayon well.
- Cuts simple shapes.
- Handles scissors well.
- Able to copy simple shapes.
Social-Emotional Development
- Can be away from parents or primary care givers for 2-3 hours
without being upset. - Takes care of toilet needs independently.
- Feels good about self.
- Is not afraid to go to school.
- Cares for own belongings.
- Knows full name.
- Dresses self.
- Knows how to use handkerchief
or tissue. - Knows own sex.
- Brushes teeth.
- Crosses residential street safely.
- Asks to go to school.
- Knows parents’ names.
- Knows home address.
- Knows home phone number.
- Enters into casual conversation.
- Carries a plate of food.
- Maintains self-control.
- Gets along well with other children.
- Plays with other children.
- Recognizes authority.
- Shares with others.
- Talks easily.
- Likes teachers.
- Meets visitors without shyness.
- Puts away toys.
- Able to stay on task.
- Able to work independently.
- Helps family with chores.