Preparing for Delivery : Which Baby Stuff should I bring to the hospital?

I already did some baby stuff shopping since I am now on my 31st week of gestation but I am not sure as to what should I prepare to bring to the hospital, I read somewhere, that those should be prepared in advance in case labor happens quite unexpectedly. Moms out there, can you please list down the essential things to bring?

Thanks a bunch! :smiley:

Mittens for the baby, a few outfits, a car seat (obviously) – the hospital will provide diapers, bottles, baby wash and anything else you need.

I just had my little guy C-section in February!

And you should get ready now. Everything was going perfectly in my first pregnancy and I didn’t have my bags packed yet at 34 weeks. All of a sudden I had to have an emergency delivery and be transported 1 hour away from my home to give birth to a preemie–I had no clothes, nothing for the baby, no spare underwear, no toothbrush.

I was wondering why you’ve been so quiet TexasLady. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Is all ok with your new little one?

Good advice on what to bring.

I was very opinionated on the products I wanted to use on my little one. If I can’t pronounce the ingredients, they’re not being used! So I packed my own baby wash which is organic.

You will also need a beanie for the baby’s head (i can’t remember if that was mentioned in earlier emails?)

Best of luck!!xx

Hello Sean Hendrick,

The most important thing that I would advise is to bring your own clothes and swaddling blankets for your baby. It is understandable that hospitals need to sterilize their supplies with a bleach of sorts, however, many babies react poorly to it and get skin rashes - this happened to a few of my girlfriends’ babies. The baby’s skin is so fresh and sensitive that you’ll want to wrap him/her in your new, soft, and regular washed blankets. Change him/her into your stuff immediately. Not all kids are prone to a reaction, but you don’t want to risk it.

Also, lip balm (all that breathing really dries your lips and can become something irritating that you fixate on), breath mints for your husband (the irritating thing I fixed on was his coffee breath!), suckers (a source of sugar for energy if they don’t allow you to eat food), and, my doula massaged my feet with orange smelling body lotion - this was FABULOUS - she said (and I now completely agree with her) that there is something about the smell of oranges that relaxes you, the mom, and turn grumpy nurses into baskets of sunshine!


Two things I appreciated a lot after the delivery were warm socks and a warm sweater, I was soooo cold even though the room was warm and I had two blankets on me. Also about the baby clothes, I would not take the smallest size. My aunt got me this adorable set of ‘everything you need for a newborn’ and my newborn didn’t fit in it! Thankfully I had some other clothes with me…

Here are some things I wish I could brought to the hospital with me:

-At least two outfits for the baby
-At least two blankets for baby
For yourself
-pair of warm socks
-some make up and hair brush…(I didn’t bring any with me…I was really sorry…you know people visiting me(my girlfriends!! and I didn’t look good on pictures…You will appreciate this advice!) :yes:
-The nicest cozzy pillow you can find in town!! I was 5 days at the hospital I got a c-section and I wish I could had a nice soft pillow to rest.

  • And a small handy foot massager or any other…my foot got so big after the delivery I had my husband massage my foot but it wasn’t enough!

That is all I can think now,
I wish you the best luck on your delivery.
God be with you guys!

Here are some links to some great and really comprehensive checklists. Of course, there are tons if you do a search.

Gee! Thanks for the input, fellow moms! I guess I have to start preparing now… :slight_smile:

I would bring a fully stocked diaper bag (see list below)

Diaper bag (for in-town trip, no need to overpack):

5 diapers
3 disposable changing pads (the same kind the pediatrician office uses - they are actually adult diapers but they are great, especially on these yucky public changing table - you can just throw it out instead of having to put it back in your bag)
1 change of clothes (onesie and socks in the right size - remember to keep up)
1 swaddling blanket (many uses); one non-disposable diaper as burp clothes
1 well -stuffed travel wipe container (a poopy diaper can be a “10-wiper”, so keep that in mind)
1 meal (I used the 2 oz Enfamil nursettes - they make nipples for them- take 2 nipples)
1 clean binkie (if you use them, we didn’t)
1 roll of diaper bags to dispose or carry when there are no other options (they are like dog poopie bags)
2 empty ziplock bag

You do not need imo medications of any kind (unless you know your baby needs it at the time). In the continental US, most people are never too far from a pharmacy! or bibs at first (you can use a wipe)

  • a blanket (stroller type) for the baby (it is cold in the hospital at night - you can put it safely on the lower half of the body on a swaddled baby). Newborns often have trouble regulating temperatures on the cold side.

  • 2 onesies + 2 pairs of socks + 1 beanie: this is only for the way home (except the socks maybe). Hospital provides tee shirts and beanies usually… trust me, you will have plenty of occasions to do laundry later. Also, the baby is examined often by the docs, so even a onesie can be in the way

  • Baby nail files: absolutely essential. Babies are born with longer nails and I was too chicken to cut them but the files work great. I didn’t like the idea of mitten (one more thing to wash or lose), and we never needed them.

Other: hospital will provide formula if you don’t breast feed, including enough of these great nursettes for the way back and beyond.

Hope this heps!

WOW @ Rivka… that is a perfect checklist…

My hospital gave me a kit which had most of things necessary for delivery…including dress, cap for new born…

I think most of the mummies & daddies here had given their best advises to you. Just want to wish you a Smooth & blessed delivery. Stay calm & remember to breathe deep. This will help you in the contraction to come. All the best! :yes: