I agree with soccermom on this quote, Robbyjo has changed her tune since starting the thread.
I didn’t ever say that early learning has been proved true beyond any reasonable doubt, I said studies have been done that supports the theory (one of many examples http://www.musicaprenatal.com.mx/english/foundations.html), I said that it makes sense to me (if newborns can learn, then surely babies can learn at least the days before they are born) and from personal experience (my baby responded in a highly predicable fashion to certain stimulation before birth and continued after birth.)
There’s a big difference between saying PL is not possible and saying that it has not been proven possible. (Nobody has proven that it is impossible.) If you still think PL is ridiculous, then I ask, where is your proof? Robbyjo, you are making claims you can’t support, yet I am under no obligation to provide proof of PL being possible as I never said it is.
Quite frankly I don’t have time and I’m not interested in doing further research on the topic, but I’m convinced to the extent that I will practice PL with my future unborn children, I’ve actually got some new ideas for things I would like to try. Just like most other EL ideas, we don’t have much evidence yet we’re taking a chance, spending little bits of time with hopes of making a positive difference.
About muffled input in the womb: The link I provided is a South African study led by Dr Woodward. I can’t verify the claim, but in part of their study they inserted a microphone inside the womb and found that the mother’s own voice vibrates internally and can actually be heard very clearly, one need not speak louder than normal for the baby to hear the mother’s voice. Male voices, as they are deeper, can also be picked up in the womb, although nothing else is as clear as that of the mother’s own voice. Also, think about this, muffled speech and music is surely better than none at all. If the same muffled input is provided consistently, the mind will probably memorize it, and any form of learning exercises the brain, making it worth while even if the child does not remember it after birth, yet many individual accounts suggests that babies can recognize songs, rhymes, books read, music and regular sounds around the home after birth. If that is true, one can assume the mind is capable of recognizing the basic sound pattern from the muffled sound in the womb, in the not muffled sound outside of the womb.
About the big bang theory: The idea of Prenatal Stimulation is much older than the big bang theory and much wider known, probably much wider excepted too, but I now understand why you mentioned it thanks for clearing it up soccermom. Yes, it’s easier to prove PL than BB, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to prove PL. What would you suggest, we lock a group of pregnant women in a cage to make sure all influential factors are the same except the one group receives prenatal stimulation and the other is forbidden to talk or listen to music, touch their bellies etc… hmm that’s so inhumane I wouldn’t be surprised if Kezia asks me to delete what I just said.
One thing that I hate and see with many parents is that you make a parental choice, like stay at home / breast feed / co-sleep / teach reading etc. and then hate to see when other mothers don’t make the same choice as you did. This thread stinks of that, if you don’t believe in PL then don’t practice it, it’s simple.